Mission Advancement Egram | November 30, 2018
Offering spiritual presence to a town in pain  

"T.O. STRONG" ~   Responding to the needs of shooting victims, hundreds of blood donors line up at La Reina High School & Middle School. 
Dear Friends,

Turning the calendar from November to December will be memorable this year.   In any given month, we don't expect a mass shooting nearby, raging brush fires, the evacuation of hundreds of friends, or days of smoky, ash-laden air triggering coughs a-plenty. God speaks in these moments and their aftermath.  God is teaching us the meaning of str ength.  
God's lesson plan is varied. We received consolation in the hundreds of emails, phone calls, text messages and prayers that have come to the Sisters of Notre Dame here in Thousand Oaks. We see strangers embracing at the memorials around town. We hear of the courageous selflessness of our first-responders. We hear renewed commitment to mental health concerns. We hear cries to end the violence that tears at the very fabric of our culture. We see signs that say we are "T.O. Strong." Unity, fellowship, compassion, outreach, gratitude, resiliency, the wisdom born of perspective--a unique confluence of Gospel messages making us strong as individuals and as a community.
As Sisters of Notre Dame, we have been a spiritual presence to our town in pain.   We have offered prayers, welcomed evacuees, listened to post-traumatic stress and fostered trust in God's providential care. We are deeply grateful for the gift of your friendship and we will carry you in prayer as we continue the journey together--to healing, peace and strength.
Advent blessings,
Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D.
Director of Mission Advancement Services
Discovering, developing & sharing unique gifts

The SNDs in Uganda are pleased to report that four of the East African sisters recently completed undergraduate degrees. Featured here is Sr. Mary Margaret Kathambi Mbuba. Sister graduated from the University of Kisubi with a Bachelor of Science degree in family and child counseling psychology. She is currently using her counseling skills with the young women preparing to be SND postulants and at Notre Dame Secondary School in Njiro, Tanzania.

According to Sr. Colette Theobald who is visiting California from East Africa, a major need is funding for the college and professional preparation for 35 Ugandan SNDs. The current cost of college education is $2,000 per year. The SNDs offer their gratitude to the many donors who are supporting the education of our mission students.  From nursery school through college, these students have the opportunity to discover, develop and share the unique gifts that God has given them.
Teaching with a servant's heart

"The Sisters of Notre Dame taught me about Divine Providence.  Although I was new to the term, I was able to see them live it by example.  I was also moved by their dedication to educating children, not only in the United States, but all over the world."

The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.  We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at  

Learn more.
NUN RUN '19,
team standings and more!

The Sisters of Notre Dame deeply appreciate the support of  so many individuals, parishes, schools and organizations!  All proceeds will benefit the Life & Ministry Fund which underwrites many aspects of SND outreach to those in need.

Special thanks to the Knights of Columbus St. Jude Council 8072 for sponsoring the Nun Run!  In this photo, Gary Tetzlaff and Chuck Harley present their gift to Jen Coito, Nun Run Coordinator.

On the move for good

#1 Horan Sisters & Friends
#2 La Reina High School & Middle School
#3 Tie between SND Associates & Friends and Team Mystic
#5 St. Jude the Apostle
#6 Notre Dame Academy Schools of Los Angeles

Quick Links  

Vision & Challenge , Fall, 2018
SND Vocations Website

Friday, November 30 through Sunday, December 2
Sunday, December 9

Saturday, December 15 and Wednesday, January 16

Silent Retreat
Friday through Sunday, January 25-27

Saturday, February 2
SND Mission Advancement Egram    February, 2018 | March, 2018 | April, 2018 | May, 2018 | June, 2018 | July, 2018 | August, 2018 | September, 2018 | October, 2018

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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:  Sr. Annete Adams, Jen Coito, Tresa Gowland, Terri Korell, Sarah Marcuse, Lisa Stupar, Sr. Joyanne Sullivan and Sr. Colette Theobald