Mission Advancement Egram |July 30, 2018
celebrating 340 years of consecration

Congratulations to our 2018 Jubilarians--from left to right, Sr. Mary Ann Hanson (60 years), Sr. Carol Marie Papet (40 years), Sr. Mary Luellen Boeglin (60 years), Sr. Shawn Marie Doyle (40 years) and Sr. M. Sheila Fay (60 years).  Sr. M. Francelia Klingshirn (80 years) is celebrating privately this summer.  Clergy participating in the July 14 celebration were (from left to right) were Rev. John Andrew Doyle, L.C., Rev. Msgr. Michael Jennett, Rev. Paul Hruby, Rev. Joshua Alvero, D.S., and Rev. Robert Jones, C.M.    

realizing the needs of God's people

Recently, several SNDs have had the opportunity to learn more about the unique needs of God's people.      

Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski writes:  "My new ministry at Dolores Mission School in Boyle Heights will take me into a community riddled with problems. How are the social, economic, and political issues impacting the hearts and minds of the children and their families?  How am I to help my students reach their full potential if I have no idea what their everyday lives are like and what issues and concerns their families face? What is their lived experience of immigrant issues and ICE? What impact does homelessness and lack of youth engagement opportunities have on the community? To what extent are racial justice issues being addressed?    

"When Dolores Mission Church hosted a Community Forum with the new Los Angeles Police Chief, Michel Moore, I knew I had to attend.   LA Voice, an inter-faith community organization, invited representatives of various faith groups (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and others) to address these issues and more. Several people from the local community stood and gave personal testimonies. It is one thing to read about or watch news broadcasts about these issues. But being there in person and feeling the energy, the pain, the frustration, the desire for things to be different--that experience will stay with me for a very long time!"

Sr. Gina Marie Blunck, executive director of the Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters, reports:  "The Hilton Fund's board discussed the current situation regarding the separation of families who are coming to our borders, seeking to better their lives.  We share the concern of many Americans for the children who will suffer trauma for years to come.  Recognizing that the sisters are serving greater numbers of our brothers and sisters at this time, the fund recently offered over $500,000 in grants to 16 sisters who work with projects in Texas, California and Mexico.   Many of the projects have recently been featured in the media.  I was profoundly moved by the depth of human need..."   
experiencing community

The Conejo Valley Interfaith Refugee Welcome Team is hosting its second annual Pot Luck on Sunday, August 26 from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. at Ascension Lutheran Church.  All are welcome to experience this special community--learn about the team's activities, meet and hear from refugee families and share a meal.  

The Welcome Team works with U.S. approved agencies to assist refugee families as they adjust and integrate into new communities.  Specific activities include furniture donations, transportation, advocacy and mentoring, tutoring, driving lessons, English instruction and financial support.  

Admission is free--bring a small pot luck dish to share.   Follow this link for more information--and we hope to see you there!  
ELAINE WALSH,           
serving as a nurse, educator and nurse scientist

"Education is critical since it empowers young people to set, reach, and even exceed personal and professional goals. The SNDs provided me with an excellent education, embedding the idea that work and service can and should be linked."
Read more... 
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.  We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at
preparing for A-level students in Uganda

Dear Friends,

We will soon be hearing so many reminders that "back to school" time is near!  With that in mind, we are pleased to report that there is great progress in the construction of the A-level facilities at Notre Dame Academy in Buseesa.  The A-level is similar to a community college here in the United States.  The young women who will enroll there early in 2019 will pursue studies preparing them for a university education.  

"Back to school" always means materials!  We have learned of the need for textbooks, furniture and instructional materials to get it all started.  Please consider donating textbooks for divinity, geography, history, biology, chemistry, physics and other subjects (averaging $15 per book) or a desk, table, or beds (at $70 each).   Together, we will be touching many lives for generations to come.   And be assured of the prayerful gratitude of all of the SNDs and our students in Uganda.   Thank you!

Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services   
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Vision & Challenge , Spring, 2018
SND Mission Advancement Egram    November, 2017 | December, 2017January, 2018 | February, 2018 | March, 2018 | April, 2018 | May, 2018 | June, 2018

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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:  Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, Sr. Gina Marie Blunck, Jen Coito, Ann Kammerer, Jean Kammerer, Sarah Marcuse and Lisa Stupar