Mission Advancement Egram | May 29, 2020
..."letting God lead me"

Dear family, friends, former students and all whose lives have touched mine,

All of you whom I have encountered in the various stages of my life's journey are so dear to me. For this reason I wish to share with you about the newest bend in the road on this journey of my wonderful life. In January I had surgery for what turned out to be a cancerous mass. I began a pill form of chemotherapy but time and the effects on my body have shown me that it is not working. After much prayer, reflection and consultation with health care professionals and others, I have made the decision not to pursue further treatment but to let God lead me on this next and final phase of my life's journey and to begin hospice care. Yesterday I met with a hospice nurse and was able with her to design the program of care and I am at great peace.

I certainly appreciate your friendship, support and presence which I have experienced during my 87+ years and most especially I appreciate your prayer. It has been my intention to offer this challenging time in my life and what I will experience as the gift of my prayer to Jesus through Mary for all of you. I believe that whatever I am or will be going through now has already been given as gift by me to our God and that means much to me. I have come to realize that in offering my prayer intentions through the hands of our Blessed Mother, Mary, for all of you loving people unites all of us in a way even though we are not physically near each other.

As much as I would like to be with you there are many reasons why this will not be possible-including the very real limitations and safeguards imposed on us by the pandemic. While physical visits are not possible, I will cherish your notes.

As I close, I thank you again for the gift each of you is to me and I promise my grateful prayer for each of you during the days and weeks ahead.

Sister Mary Sheila, S.N.D.
...happenings 25 years later!

The Sisters of Notre Dame are pleased to share several updates on the many blessings of St. Julie's Mission in Buseesa, Uganda.  

Sr. Colette Theobald, "stranded" in California during the current pandemic and unable to return to Uganda just yet, was featured in this video presentation. It includes a brief history of the mission and much more.  Sr. Colette hopes to return to the mission in June.

Sr. Margaret Droege, provincial superior of the Kentucky province when the mission was founded in 1995, has recently published a book on the mission's first 20 years. Follow this link to learn more about Approaching Holy Ground, including ordering information.  

Last spring, we launched a campaign to fully fund a deep water well, pump, piping system and tap. Thanks to many generous donors (from across the United States), we have reached 72% of our $100,000 goal. 
Here is a brief video update about this project.

As can be imagined, schools and organizations have been unable to fulfill their typical commitments to the mission due to cancelled fundraisers and Lenten drives. In addition, the Mission Cooperative Appeals in partner dioceses have been postponed until next summer. The generosity of these groups provides food, housing, educational opportunities and much more for the 600 students, staff and SNDs at St. Julie's Mission. Thank you for considering this important venture in your charitable planning.
Artwork by Sr. Leanne Hubbard

sharing with those in need

Over the years, many donors have contributed to the Julie Fund.  SNDs and Associates may write proposals for grants to "partner ministries" in which they minister--parishes, schools and non-profit organizations.  As a special response to those suffering the impact of COVID-19, the SNDs recently made grants to various groups and partner ministries.  Thank you to our Julie Fund donors who have joined in this outreach to those served by 

Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity Long Beach Rescue Mission
Catholic Charities - Moorpark & Venice MANNA of the Conejo Valley
Christian Outreach in Action - Long Beach Many Mansions
Foodshare of Ventura County
St. Camillus Center for Spiritual Care
Friends in Deed - Pasadena South Central LAMP

expanding student horizons

Looking to challenge yourself, prepare for next year, or keep your mind sharp? NDA Summer School is offering three courses for incoming freshmen, an ACT/SAT/Standardized Test Prep class for rising juniors and seniors, with limited space for non-NDA students.  Please note that the registration deadline for the ACT/SAT course is June 1.  Come have some (virtual) summer fun at NDA!  

Worried about the "summer slump"?  La Reina's Virtual Summer Enrichment will fill a critical need and make learning fun and engaging.  Course offerings are varied, including writing, math, speech/debate, fundamentals of distance learning, theater, art and college app boot camp.  Boys and girls entering grades 5 through 12 are welcome.  Learn more and get video invitations from the teachers!   
thinking about your personal legacy

These weeks of staying at home during the pandemic have given many people the opportunity for greater reflection on what really matters in life.  Greater awareness of God's blessings, your vision of a better world, values, legacy and resources may have surfaced in quiet moments.  In Mary's spirit of concern for others, the Sisters of Notre Dame are deeply grateful to our partners who have included us and our ministries in their estate plans--bequests, trusts, life insurance policies, IRA or bank account beneficiaries, or other planned giving vehicles.

Although the four SND provinces in the United States will become one province this July, contributions can still be made to the Sisters of Notre Dame in California.  The information needed to specify a planned gift is unchanged--our legal title is  Sisters of Notre Dame of Los Angeles with  IRS non-profit identification number:  95-2005867.

For further information, please contact Sr. Lisa Megaffin at 805-402-8623 or  Thank you and be assured that your legacy gifts will be transformative in sharing God's love and provident care with generations yet to come.
going, going, gone!

South Central LAMP provides a supportive, nurturing environment for economically poor women and their families.  Like many other organizations, LAMP's spring fundraising plans changed!  An online auction will now be held from June 19 through 21.  All proceeds will underwrite much-needed programs, such as ESL classes, early childhood education and food pantry services.  Be sure to check out the regularly-updated auction preview.   For those interested in donating items, here is  an A to Z wish list with further information.  Thank you for sharing your compassionate concern for those in need, and have some unique phun this Father's Day weekend! 
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Thank you to our contributors:   Ninette Ayala, Jen Coito, Diane Glas, Sr. Leanne Hubbard, Jodee McElfresh, and Lisa Stupar