Mission Advancement Egram | July 31, 2019
days of unity and joy

Dear Friends,

July 9 through 12 found more than 300 Sisters of Notre Dame gathered in Columbus, Ohio.  We are deeply grateful for the spiritual support we received from around the world.  We experienced a common passion for our vocation as consecrated women religious.  Unity and joy characterized the days.   All of our activities--common prayer, various presentations, small group discussions and informal conversations--were powerful.  We embraced the next steps of discernment for leadership and for the new graces which our shared future will certainly bring.  We anticipate that a new provincial superior will be appointed by Sr. Kristin Battles, Superior General, and her Council this August.   Again, we count on your intercessory prayer during these days of discernment and transition.

Hope you catch the spirit of SND*USA through this photo video:  just follow this link.

Blessings always,
Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D.
Director of Mission Advancement Services      
preparing to serve the marginalized at the border

During her summer vacation from Our Lady of Guadalupe School in Oxnard, Sr. Shawn Marie Doyle will go to El Paso, Texas to serve refugees on the border.  Between August 3 and 18, she will have this immersion experience as a volunteer at Annunciation Housea Catholic organization that accompanies migrant, homeless and economically vulnerable peoples of the border region, providing services, advocacy and education.

Since 1978, Annunciation House has been working in El Paso/ Ciudad Juarez, operating houses of hospitality for migrants and refugees. Volunteers place themselves among the poor to  gain a better understanding of more just relationships between people, countries and economies. Currently, Annunciation House helps to relieve overcrowding in the detention centers, providing hospitality to approximately 3,500 refugees who are released from the centers each week. Each refugee receives a warm welcome, a clean bed, a change of clothes, food and the gift of hope. 

Recently, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) addressed an appeal to religious communities in the United States, requesting volunteers for Annunciation House. Please join us in prayer for Sr. Shawn Marie, that this venture will be safe and fruitful as she shares the SND spirit with those she meets.
celebrating the 2019 Jubilee

The 2019 jubilarians have expressed their gratitude for everyone who has shared their journey as Sisters of Notre Dame, and to everyone who made their June 29 celebration so memorable.  Congratulations to Sr. Paulynne Tubick (golden, 50 years), Sr. Louise Marie Hlavac and Sr. Jan Marie Villalobos (ruby, 40 years) and Sr. Lisa Megaffin and Sr. Jane Marie McHugh (golden, 50 years).   
inspired by the SNDs to lead by example

Remembering her time spent at St. Rose and  La Reina, she comments, "I have always been so impressed with the SNDs' desire to educate people at all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. The way they teach, coach and lead by example is an inspiration to everyone they encounter."

Read more.

The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.  We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at  
providing voices  for the voiceless

On July 18, Srs. Jan Villalobos, Joyce Bates and LaReine Mosely (shown in the photo to the right) participated in Catholic Action for Immigrant Children in Washington D.C. The event was co-sponsored by the LCWR and other Catholic organizations.  Here is a brief report of their experience.

About 250 women and men religious and lay persons gathered at the Capitol Building to demonstrate against the caging of children.  Currently, there are 2,000 children caged in detention centers.  The posters we carried read:  "Catholics say:  Stop the inhumanity!  End child detention."  We also carried larger posters of the faces of children who have already died in detention centers.  One of the speakers was a migrant woman who told her story, including the fact that she still wears an ankle monitor.  The group sang and prayed together, especially for the children and for the members of Congress.  We were grateful to be able to provide voices for the voiceless.
Events and Quick Links  


August 3-4
Queen of Angels Parish | Lompoc, California
Sr. Antoinette Marie Moon

August 3-4
St. Paul Parish | San Antonio, Texas
Sr. Lisa Megaffin

August 17-18
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish | Melrose, Illinois
Sr. Judeen Julier

August 17-18
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish | Santa Clarita, California
Sr. Regina Robbins and Sr. Lisa Megaffin

August 24-25
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish | Santa Paula, California
Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski and Sr. Lisa Megaffin


Saturday, August 24, 4:00 p.m.
Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza Park
For more information and to RSVP, follow this link.   

For information about other coming events,  follow this link to the calendar of events. 
Vision & Challenge 
Spring, 2019

SND Vocations

SND Mission Advancement Egram   November, 2018 | December, 2018 | January, 2019 | February, 2019 | March, 2019 | April, 2019 |  May, 2019 | June, 2019

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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:   Mike Adams, Jen Coito, Sarah Marcuse, Lisa Stupar and Sr. Jan Marie Villalobos.