Mission Advancement Egram | April 26, 2018
remembering a woman of powerful witness

Faith formation is more than words--it is the powerful witness of example--the example of trust in God's goodness and provident care.  It is this trust in God that many will long remember as Sr. Mary Emilie Ann's spiritual legacy.

Sr. Mary Emilie Ann Palladino passed into eternity on April 15 at the age of 75, after a brave journey with cancer over the last six years.  

Emilie Ann met the Sisters of Notre Dame as a third grader at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School in Seven Hills, Ohio. Upon completion of her first year of college, she entered the community,  receiving the name Sister Mary Nunzio in honor of her father. Sister later returned to her baptismal name, Emilie Ann. In 1980, she transferred to the California province to be closer to her family who had moved to California.   Her brother and sister-in-law, Ron and Julie Palladino, were with her when she slipped into eternity.

Although Sr. Emilie Ann spent 30 years as a high school teacher in Ohio and California, she dedicated the last 14 years to Our Lady of Grace Parish in Encino, in faith formation and parish ministry. At her funeral, Sr. Anncarla Costello spoke of Sr. Emilie Ann's work at the parish. "She felt it was her privilege to assist others to grow in their faith by companioning them on their faith journeys." Helen Maslach, a parishioner at Our Lady of Grace, attributed her return to the faith to Sr. Emilie Ann's influence, "She got me back into being a part of something" after suffering the loss of her husband and other family members in a short period of time.

Msgr. Jay Cunnane, pastor of Our Lady of Grace, remembered Sr. Emilie Ann as having a keen trust in God.  "During these last years of illness and burdensome treatments, Sr. Emilie Ann edified us all with her patience, her faith and trust in God, never complaining. She was always grateful--to God, to her doctors, to her community."

Sr. Emilie Ann will be greatly missed.  With the memorable witness of her example of trust in God, we now direct our prayers to her as our friend and powerful intercessor.
sharing resources with children in need  

During Lent, students at Holy Trinity School in San Pedro put their reading skills to the test as they raised funds for students at St. Julie Primary Boarding School in Buseesa, Uganda. Sr. Paulynne Tubick, who returned from Uganda last year and is teaching now at Holy Trinity, challenged the students with a service project which focused on social justice issues. Her two 6th grade classes, a total of 60 students, began the "Chapters of Charity" read-a-thon.

Students set reading goals (such as specific skills and number of chapters/books read) and donors made pledges in support of these goals. All proceeds will benefit the nursery school on the Buseesa campus. Sr. Paulynne explains, "This exercise was designed to show the students that they could make a difference no matter how young they are, through prayer and service." The class adopted the phrase, "Let's read, let's support, let's serve." From their efforts, the 6th graders raised $2,800 with nearly 100% class participation. Given its initial success, Sr. Paulynne hopes to make this project an annual event.  Perhaps there are several donors out there who would like to match this enthusiasm and generosity...
A TRIBUTE GIFT,                           
  a gift that keeps on giving

Are you looking for a meaningful way to remember your mother, grandmother or godmother this Mother's Day?  Please consider a gift to the Tribute Fund of the Sisters of Notre Dame, a gift that will keep on giving. This donation will enhance the life-giving services that the Sisters of Notre Dame share both locally and around the world.

* To those seeking spiritual guidance and inspiration
* To those suffering from spiritual, emotional or physical poverty--such as confused teens, trafficking victims, prisoners, the grieving
* To pre-school, elementary and high school students in Uganda, who will benefit from quality education in values development, faith formation, academics and leadership

A seasonal card will be sent to your honoree, indicating your name and the designated use of your gift (Life & Ministry Fund for unrestricted use; Retirement Fund for the care of our senior members; Uganda Mission Fund; Julie Fund for local outreach to those in need).    Follow this link to get started, and select Tribute Gift. And thank you for choosing to be a partner with the Sisters of Notre Dame... For further information, please email   And thank you for partnering with the SNDs around the world!
gift from Mary, Mother of the Church

Dear Friends,

A mother understands. With all of her heart, a mother understands:
  • The reality of shock and the peace that comes from acceptance, as Mary experienced at the Annunciation
  • The fear of violence and the determination to find safety, as Mary experienced as a refugee in Egypt
  • The frustration of children pushing the limits, as Jesus did when he stayed behind in the temple
  • The joy of outreach, as Mary realized at Cana
  • The pain of misunderstanding, as Mary felt when Jesus was ridiculed
  • The power of presence to those hurt by violence and bullying, as Mary's presence demonstrated to Jesus on the road to Calvary
  • The strength that comes from trusting God, even in the face of death, as Mary showed at Calvary
  • The power of community and prayer before undertaking mission, as Mary experienced with the apostles before Pentecost.
For these many reasons, we can turn to Mary as Mother of the Church. She truly understands our individual and communal challenges in proclaiming and living our faith.  She wishes to extend abundant graces to each of us on life's journey.

Recently, Pope Francis declared an official commemoration for Mary, Mother of the Church. This feast, established as the Monday after Pentecost, will both honor Mary and will foster the maternal role of the Church. The Marian title of "Mother of the Church," was given to the Blessed Mother by Bl. Pope Paul VI at the Second Vatican Council.

As Sisters of Notre Dame, we commend each of you, our partners, to Mary's understanding heart. May this year's feast of Mary, Mother of the Church (on May 21), be a time of abundant grace for you and for everyone you carry in your heart.

Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services 

PS-- And a special thank you to those who recently sent donations for the plumbing/water challenges in Uganda and here at Notre Dame Center.   
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Vision & Challenge , Spring, 2018

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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:  Jen Coito, Sarah Marcuse, Lisa Stupar and Sr. M. Paulynne Tubick