Mission Advancement Egram | September 28, 2018
St. Julie's alum serving the Church in Uganda

Looking back to their school days, Garabuzi Matias lifts John Mary in horseplay during recess.  In addition to Fr. Mugabi's vocation, the SNDs are grateful that two graduates of the mission schools have joined our congregation.

Fr. Mugabi John Mary, one of the first graduates of St. Julie's Primary Model Boarding School in Buseesa, Uganda, was ordained a priest this summer.  In this photo, he blesses the students of St. Julie's School and Notre Dame Secondary.

In other news from Buseesa, another water tank collapsed and damaged a second tank.  Total cost for repairs is $1,600.  Special thanks to our donors who have already made contributions in support of this challenge.  In addition to losing the tanks, valuable water was lost.  Fortunately, it is the rainy season, and so water can be captured in the repaired tank...  Thank you and God bless you for your generosity.
NUN RUN '19,  off to a running start

Are you training for a marathon...or enjoying a stroll around the block?
Can you help spread the word about our Fifth Annual Nun Run at your parish, school, gym, or other venue?
Want to promote your business at our event?  Click here for the sponsor packet.
Can you build a team of family, friends, and co-workers?   
#1 - Horan Sisters & Friends
#2 - Tie between the Ochs Family and Team Mystic
#4 - Notre Dame Schools of Los Angeles
#5 - SND Associates

We need YOUR energy, ideas, and enthusiasm to make our Feb. 2 Nun Run a successful fundraiser and community outreach.    Sign up today at  or contact Jen Coito , Nun Run Coordinator by email or at 805-917-3730.
discerning God's call

On October 13, Sr. Valerie Marie Roxburgh and SND Associate Jen Coito will facilitate a day on "Prayerful Decision Making" for all young adults. It will include presentations on tools for discernment, opportunities for prayer and faith sharing, and the celebration of Sunday Mass. Sponsored by the National Religious Vocations Conference, the event will include collaboration among the Sisters of Notre Dame and 10 other religious orders in the Los Angeles area. Feel free to extend this invitation to any young men or women who may benefit from this offering.  
"weaving generosity as a core value into my life"

Through the Sisters of Notre Dame and my education at La Reina High School, my eyes were opened to a greater worldview.  Since then,  I have been weaving generosity as a core value into my life--help others every chance you get--donate your time, talent and treasure to something that will improve the lives of others.

The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.  We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at
healing the spiritual infections of our times

Dear Friends,  

With October on the horizon, we prepare to honor Our Lady.  One of Mary's traits that our culture so desperately needs is her purity, a grace that came in virtue of Immaculate Conception, preserving her from all sin. More contemporary nuances of purity are transparency and integrity, virtues that contribute to peace of heart. Just as a dirty glass can contaminate a beverage, the impurities of the human heart cause spiritual infections in our thoughts, words and actions. Now obviously we carry within ourselves the wounds of Adam and Eve, but we are fortunate enough to have God's grace ready to make us whole. And Mary, model of purity and integrity, wants to be part of this healing.

As Sisters of Notre Dame, we honor Mary with special love and devotion. And we carry each of you in our hearts and in our prayers during this holy month.  May you and your loved ones be graced with healing and peace of heart. May Our Lady preserve all of us from the spiritual infections that burden our world.

In Notre Dame,
Director of Mission Advancement Services   
Quick Links  

Donate Now Vision & Challenge, Fall, 2018
Saturday, October 6

Prayerful Decision Making
Saturday, October 13

South Central LAMP 25th Anniversary Brunch
Saturday, October 20

Sunday, October 28

La Reina 15th Annual Booster Club Golf Tournament
Thursday, November 1

Many Mansions Bowls of Hope
Sunday, November 4

Notre Dame Academy Open House
Sunday, December 2

Saturday, February 2
SND Mission Advancement Egram    December, 2017January, 2018 | February, 2018 | March, 2018 | April, 2018 | May, 2018 | June, 2018 | July, 2018 | August, 2018

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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:  Jen Coito, Jessica Lawson, Sarah Marcuse, Sr. Anita Marie Stacy and Lisa Stupar