Mission Advancement Egram | October 31, 2019
sustaining faith in a diverse world

On Saturday, October 26, Sr. M. LaReine-Marie Mosely led a presentation and discussion on "Religion, Race and Scandal: How Do We Sustain Faith?" at Loyola-Marymount University.  Sr. LaReine is a Sister of Notre Dame from the Toledo province and assistant professor of Religious Studies at Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore.

The conversation included points such as:
  • Society has a great need for role models, like the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, who often commented, "We are better than this..."
  • God is remote and unknown to many young people.
  • In a spirit of inclusion, we need the humility to learn from every person we encounter.
  • We need urgency to respond to the voices of those in pain.
Participants agreed that the conversation needs to continue and expand as Pope Francis calls the church to promote a culture of inclusion.

Shown here during a group reflection are Sr. LaReine-Marie Mosely, Dr. Kim Harris of Loyola Marymount University, Sr. M. Judeen Julier, Sr. M. Dean Pfahler and
Sr. Sally Marie Bohnett.
from athlete to firefighter to paramedic

A Los Angeles County firefighter and paramedic remembers how "the Sisters of Notre Dame helped me to see that faith and spirituality are real..." 

The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.  We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at  
superhero for  Notre Dame education

Representing Notre Dame Academy Schools of Los Angeles at a national education conference, Sr. Antoinette Marie Moon, Rich Havel, Brad Fuller and Lee Cotugno share some ideas.

Notre Dame Academy Elementary School in Los Angeles recently honored Rich Havel, Notre Dame Academy Schools of Los Angeles board member, as someone
who exemplifies this year's theme, "Empathy is Our Super Power!" Since his son and daughter attended NDAE over 40 years ago, Rich has been involved in committee work, led the board as chair for many years and was instrumental in the design and implementation of the school's strategic plan. "Rich is like the superheroes you see in the movies," said Lilliam Paetzold, Notre Dame Academy Schools President. "He can get the job done and accomplish amazing things that change lives for the better in long lasting ways," she continued.  Rich currently serves as the SND National Education Advisory Council chairman.  The Sisters of Notre Dame are deeply grateful for your partnership, Rich!
looking to the future

The Sisters of Notre Dame gratefully acknowledge a grant of $15,000 from the Hilton Fund for Sisters for a pump water system for St. Julie's Mission in Buseesa, Uganda.  In this drought-stricken area, a pump water system is the only sustainable way to meet hydration and sanitation needs.  Fresh water for drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning will be accessible for the students and staff at the mission as well as about 1,000 villagers and 20,000 parishioners.  Donations may be made for this ongoing project at  And thank you to the many donors who have already supported this venture; we look forward to providing updates as construction begins.
With our gratitude 
and sympathy...

The Sisters of Notre Dame offer their prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of Roger Lazar who recently passed into eternity.   Roger is shown on the left with Tom Coniglio.  Roger, Tom and other members of the St. Paschal Baylon Men's Club have been loyal and generous volunteers for the Nun Run Pancake Breakfast team.  May he rest in peace.

Events and quick links  

Saturday, November 2, 8:00 a.m.
Notre Dame Center, Thousand Oaks
Followed by a continental breakfast hosted by the Sisters of Notre Dame
Click here to RSVP to Sr. Marie Paul Grech by email.   

Saturday, December 7, 9:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
St. Bartholomew Parish, Long Beach
Presented by The Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents
Click here for more information or call Sr. M. Dean Pfahler, 562-438-3826, ext. 253. 

For information about other coming events,  follow this link to the calendar of events. 
Sixth Annual Nun Run
  Vision & Challenge 
Fall, 2019

SND Vocations

SND Mission Advancement Egram   January, 2019 | February, 2019 | March, 2019 | April, 2019 |  May, 2019 | June, 2019 |  July, 2019 | August, 2019 | September, 2019

Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:   Andy Fox, Sally Lopker, Sarah Marcuse, Kurt Sauter, Lisa Stupar and the SND National Education Office