Mission Advancement Egram | March 30, 2017
POVERTY: ours to confront, touch and alleviate   

By Sabrina Hamor
"We Christians are called to confront the poverty of our brothers and sisters, to touch it, to make it our own and to take practical steps to alleviate it."  ...Pope Francis

Congratulations to two La Reina students who recently received Pope Francis Scholarships from the Mission Doctors Association.   High school students were invited to showcase the causes of poverty and how these affect the health of millions around the world. 

Guided by their media arts teacher, Ms. Nano Hovsepyan, Sabrina Hamor, a junior, and Anna Martin, a freshman, submitted award-winning posters.    They were recognized recently at the 2017 Archdiocese of Los Angeles Christian Service Awards Mass.
EMPATHY + UNDERSTANDING hope for trauma victims  
Maria Avila-Gegenbacher, St. Matthias High School '83

Maria Avila-Gengenbacher developed a passion for helping children and so at an early age, she began working with her family, teaching religious education at St. Matthias Parish in Huntington Park.   Because she wanted to help children and families overcome challenges and build on their strengths, Maria turned to the field of psychology as a profession.     Read more   

The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.   We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email  
ANGEL BAGS for homeless folks
Sr. Dwina Marie Towle carefully packs an "angel bag."

The SNDs at Notre Dame Center decided on a Lenten practice that is benefitting homeless individuals.  Each sister agreed to contribute funds for the "Lenten angel bag project."  The money was used to purchase travel-sized toiletries, socks, washcloths, bottled water, snacks and McDonald's gift cards to fill 40 bags.   Sr. Julie Marie Arriaga wrote a friendly and caring note to include in each bag.   Now, when each sister goes out, she takes along one or two angel bags to give to homeless persons she may encounter on the way.
TO HEAVEN ON FOOT, around Uganda by truck 

During the rainy season, the unpaved roads are very slippery and dangerous, causing tremendous wear-and-tear on the mission truck. 
Dear Friends,

St. Julie Billiart, spiritual mother of the Sisters of Notre Dame, taught her young members, "You don't get to heaven on wheels, sister, you walk!"  The SNDs on mission in Uganda must use wheels, and they are in need of a truck to replace their bruised-up Toyota Landcruiser 79, frequently in need of repair.  The truck is used to transport students to music and athletic competitions, haul animal feed and firewood, and travel to Kampala (about a 4- to 5-hour drive, with a third of the ride on unpaved roads) for rice and other food staples for the boarders. 

Our goal is to provide a new, safe ad durable 4x4 truck, with an estimated cost of $80,000.  The Covington and California provinces are working together to fund this much-needed vehicle.   To make an online donation, follow this link , designate Uganda and note "Uganda Truck Fund" in the comments section.  Or mail a check to the SND Advancement Office, payable to the Sisters of Notre Dame, with "Uganda Truck Fund" in the memo line. 

Please know that your prayers and sacrifices to benefit our Ugandan children will help propel all of us along the road to heaven.   God bless you for your kind support, today and always!

Blessings always,
Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D. 
Director of Mission Advancement Services
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SND Mission Advancement Egram  September, 2016 | October, 2016      
November, 2016 | December, 2016 | January, 2017 | February, 2017

Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:   Nano Hovsepyan, Anne Interrante, Sr. M. Judeen Julier, Sr. M. Rebekah Kennedy, Lisa Stupar, and Sr. M. Joanne Wittenburg