Mission Advancement Egram | October 31, 2018
Sharing God's love with the uneducated 

Sr. Anncarla Costello recently attended an SND General Conference in Tanzania and in this article, she shares a powerful experience.   

"One of our outings was to the Masaai people in the northern region of Tanzania.  The  SNDs first went there in 2008 and quickly earned the trust and support of these gentle natives.  No Masaai child had ever had formal education.  Their life is centered on caring for brothers and sisters and tending the herds.  Slowly, the SNDs were able to convince them of the value of education, and over time the Masaai donated land for a school.  Through the generosity of many donors and volunteers from the German mission support group, Dialog Projekt, a school is under construction with the addition of several classrooms each year.  The dream is to eventually provide secondary education for these children; that will take time, planning and financial support.  Currently, four Sisters live among the people in a 'boma' without water, electricity or plumbing, but share with the people the message of God's love for them while also providing a quality education."   These Masaai children (standing in front of a mud hut) show their interest in the SND visitors to their village.
Celebrating 25 years of service

The Sisters of Notre Dame are proud to congratulate SC LAMP (South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project) on its 25th anniversary!  

SC LAMP was founded in response to the 1992 civil unrest in Los Angeles by a collaboration of eight congregations of Catholic sisters. They canvassed the devastated neighborhood and asked how they could better support the community as it struggled to rebuild and survive.

In the responses the sisters heard a strong desire from mothers to enhance their parenting skills, improve their English literacy, and prepare their children for school and later success in life.  In dialogue with the local community, the founders developed family-centered programming that has grown to include English as a second language (ESL) courses, parenting classes and early childhood education for infants through 5-year-olds.

The SNDs consider LAMP to be a partner ministry, and a number of SNDs and SND Associates have served as board members and volunteers over the years. There is nothing like a visit to LAMP to brighten one's spirits!  Read more.   
Caring for the needy

Sr. Jan Marie Villalobos experiences many aspects of the SND spirit and mission as she connects her religious vocation to her everyday duties at the DCCH Center for Children & Families. "The SND spirit and mission have always been centered on concern and care for the needy and the poor. And that is at the heart of everyone at DCCH." 

The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care.  We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society.  To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at smarcuse@sndca.org
NUN RUN '19,  team standings and more 

#1 Horan Sisters & Friends
#2 Team Mystic
#3 TIE BETWEEN Notre Dame Academy Schools of Los Angeles and
SND Associates & Friends
#5 Ochs Family

To support a current team, click on the team name below.   
Follow this link to start your own fundraiser.
#1 Robbins Runners (Sr. Regina Robbins, captain)
#2 Notre Dame Academy Schools of Los Angeles (Sr. Judeen Julier, captain) 
#3 Megaffin's Marathoners (Sr. Lisa Megaffin, captain)

This year, we are acknowledging our top fundraisers!  Like the Nun Run Facebook page and recruit your friends to be part of our Giving Tuesday campaign on Nov. 27.  
For more information  contact Jen Coito , Nun Run Coordinator by email or at 805-917-3730.
embracing the SND mission

If you are 70  ½ or older, you can use the IRA charitable rollover to make a tax-free gift to the Sisters of Notre Dame.  This law allows you to transfer up to $100,000 directly to a qualified charitable organization without paying income tax on the distribution.  Our IRS identification number is 95-2005867.  Thank you for embracing the SND mission! (This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.)
cherishing our family and partners

Dear Friends,  

November.  The holidays are coming. The relatives will be coming.  Friends and family will be sending Christmas cards, often including cherished family photos. How appropriate, then, that we commemorate the feasts of our Catholic family--All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day--at the beginning of November.
We believe in the Mystical Body of Christ--those already in heavenly peace, those on a side journey to purgatory, and those of us still in the midst of the earthly fray. Everyone is considered family. We can quickly visualize our family photos and images--the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, St. Julie Billiart, St. Oscar Romero--and those who have personally shared our journey and have gone before us.
As Sisters of Notre Dame, we cherish each of you as a fellow sojourner. You are truly family to us as partners in faith--partners in a spiritual sense and partners through your generosity. Where one of us is, all of us are. And so you are present wherever an SND is on mission--in East Africa, at South Central LAMP, at the DCCH Center for Children & Families--wherever an SND is sharing God's love and provident care. In profound gratitude for your friendship, be assured that we will carry you all in prayer during these holidays!

In Notre Dame,
Director of Mission Advancement Services   
Quick Links  

Donate Now Vision & Challenge, Fall, 2018
Thursday, November 1

Many Mansions Bowls of Hope
Sunday, November 4

Notre Dame Academy Elementary Bingo & BBQ | RSVP
Saturday, November 10

Notre Dame Academy Open House
Sunday, December 2

Notre Dame Academy Elementary Tours
Saturday, December 15 and Wednesday, January 16

Saturday, February 2
SND Mission Advancement Egram    January, 2018 | February, 2018 | March, 2018 | April, 2018 | May, 2018 | June, 2018 | July, 2018 | August, 2018 | September, 2018

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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram:  Jen Coito, Sr. M. Anncarla Costello, Sarah Marcuse and Lisa Stupar