protectors of God's gifts
One student's idea of protecting creation by recycling |
SND Associate Candidate Caroline Waltman recently shared this practical Earth Day project. Her kindergarten students at St. Mary Magdalen School in Camarillo are one of Pope Francis' Creation Care teams, acting as protectors of God's gifts. They are also bringing awareness of Catholic teachings on climate change to their school community and families.
The class will become responsible consumers as they study what happens to the waste they create once it disappears into a trash can. Their goal is to protect and care for the world by recycling and composting. By composting, they will divert as much as 30% of the school's waste from the landfill. The students are also discovering the value of recycling items no longer in use, such as toys, books and office supplies. These items are being given to Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski for an after school educational program for children.
The St. Mary Magdalen students are learning life-long lessons as they act on Pope Francis' words, "All who believe in God and all people of good will have an obligation to take steps to mitigate climate change, clean the land and the seas and start treating all of creation, including poor people, with respect and concern."
minister to future leaders
"Every Sister of Notre Dame has combined the SND charism with her own personality and her love of Christ to make a real difference in the community and in the world." These words of George Meade, whose ministry and professional life have revolved around youth for more than 30 years, reveal the power of leadership through example. Read more
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care. We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society. To submit information for this column, please email lmegaffin@sndca.org. |
welcoming aspirants
Sr. M. Immaculate Namugga (pictured in the middle) is shown here with several of the new SND aspirants.
The SNDs in Buseesa, Uganda, welcomed 11 young women into the Notre Dame community on March 25. They are now participating in a live-in formation program that includes 10 candidates who have already completed the aspirant stage of formation. These young women live in community and attend classes on prayer, congregational history, human development and SND spirituality. The Sisters of Notre Dame around the world are grateful for our many partners whose spiritual and financial support enrich the lives of many, especially these young ladies as they embark on the journey toward perpetual consecration as women religious. |
the gifts that keep on giving
Dear Friends,
With Mother's Day, Father's Day and teacher appreciation just around the corner, here is a way to show your love to those who have touched your life. A Tribute Fund gift to the Sisters of Notre Dame provides much-needed resources--for those seeking spiritual guidance and fulfillment, for our senior members, for social outreach ministries to those in need, or for quality educational opportunities for our students in Uganda.
A seasonal card will be sent to your honoree, indicating your name and the designated use of your gift.
Follow this link to get started, and select Tribute Gift. And thank you for choosing to partner with the Sisters of Notre Dame. On behalf of all of us and those we are privileged to serve, we offer our profound gratitude and we wish you abundant blessings.
Blessings always,
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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram: Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, Anne Interrante, Sarah Marcuse, Jodee McElfresh, Connan McElvogue, Lisa Stupar, Caroline Waltman and Sr. M. Joanne Wittenburg