encouraging young adults to dream of great things!
As we prepare for the launch of SND*USA in July 2020, one key mission priority for the future will be young adult ministries. There is a certain excitement in supporting young adults as they respond to these and other words of wisdom from Pope Francis: "Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!"
The California Province has a rich tradition of service to young adults in parishes, campus ministries, and regional and diocesan young adult settings. Sisters facilitate retreats, guide faith sharing and discernment groups, offer spiritual direction, and accompany young adults on their personal journeys of faith.
spring edition of Vision & Challenge has further information about SND*USA and more exciting ways that Sisters and Associates are engaging young adults with their faith. Please join us in prayer during these days of discernment for new leadership and for the transition ventures to come as SND*USA becomes a reality.
Director of Mission Advancement Services
accepting the challenge
Same time of year, same story, new scenario.
Last spring, we reported a collapsed water tank in Buseesa, Uganda, and a broken pipe at Notre Dame Center. This spring, a bit of the same story.
A worker shovels debris from the dry wall and baseboards outside the office of Sr. Luellen Boeglin, SND Director of Nursing.
Sr. Mary Immaculate observes a collapsed water tank. The tanks are not sturdy enough to provide long-term water storage.
On Saturday, April 27, a pipe burst in the laundry ceiling at Notre Dame Center. The entire first floor of Julie I, home for a number of retired SNDs, was flooded. Repairs will be extensive--flooring, dry wall, vinyl cove base, painting, etc.
In Uganda a different water challenge! The students' houses are made of mud, without electricity or plumbing. During the rainy season, water is captured in buckets and rationed for drinking, bathing, laundry, and cooking during the dry season. At the mission, large tanks capture as much rain water as possible, but even this is not enough to last through the lengthening dry season. These tanks are a temporary solution, bursting easily and with limited capacity. Drought affects food availability, farm production, and the wellbeing of the livestock.
School is also affected by the drought as faculty and students make the long trek to gather water at the spring during their class time. When conditions are most severe, the children must be sent home. During these times, students risk exposure to illnesses from poor hygiene and unsanitary conditions. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 663 million people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water.
In consultation with the government, Church, and local leadership, the SNDs have determined that the only viable, lasting solution to these sanitation and hydration needs is the installation of a PUMP WATER SYSTEM. The system, designed by a local company, will utilize a borehole/deep well and a distribution structure, including pump house, gravity tank and stand, lower tanks, and piping. The system will direct water to the school buildings, preventing the need to walk with jerry cans to the bore hole site. An additional tap on the parish property will allow community access to safe drinking water in a central location.
With profound gratitude to our donors who have so generously supported St. Julie's Mission in Buseesa, the SNDs respectfully request donations in support of the PUMP WATER SYSTEM. The SNDs from California and Covington are collaborating to raise $100,000 for this much-needed project, as well as $600 per student per year for regular educational support.
To donate online, please select Uganda and indicate PUMP WATER SYSTEM in the notes.
For further information, contact
Sr. Lisa Megaffin
And thank you for your personal sacrifices which transform lives!
Indonesians visit USA
Notre Dame Academy Schools of Los Angeles, La Reina High School & Middle School, and Notre Dame Learning Center Preschool were recently included on a tour organized by the SND National Education Office. School officials from SND schools in Indonesia, Sr. Maria Kharita, Sr. Maria Eufrasia, and Mr. Sigit Setyawan visited the United States in hopes of achieving three goals: gaining insight into how the SND charism and spirit is manifested in everyday school life; learning how to apply successful management techniques to schools in Indonesia; and building educational networks.
They thoroughly enjoyed meeting with administrators, faculty and students at SND sponsored schools in Ohio, Kentucky and California and feel very grateful to have had this experience. They also enjoyed a little fun--attending their first baseball game (the Cleveland Indians), visiting Niagara Falls and walking around Hollywood, just to name a few.
The Indonesian SNDs visited the Villa Regina community. Shown here are Sr. Leanne Hubbard, Sr. Regina Robbins, Sr. Maria Eufrasia, Sr. Luellen Boeglin, Sr. Lisa Megaffin and Sr. Maria Kharita.
taking the SND spirit & mission into the community
Connie Herschbach and Pat Yost represent Many Meals as they receive a donation from the Channel Island Gulls.
Congratulations to Pat Yost
founder of Many Meals! This all-volunteer organization was recently honored by the Camarillo Chamber of Commerce as the Service Organization of the Year. Many Meals' mission is to provide hot meals, food, and other life essentials to those in need and to suggest additional resources available that could lead to a more secure future.
Special thanks to Caroline Waltman, kindergarten teacher at St. Mary Magdalen School in Camarillo. She coordinated a presentation on the Uganda mission for her students, as well as their eighth grade study-buddies and the transitional kindergarten students. Stay tuned for information about their plans to support St. Julie's Mission!
Events and Quick Links
INTERNATIONAL FOOD FAIRE Celebrating the many cultures that make up Notre Dame Academy Elementary Saturday, May 11, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
SOUTH CENTRAL LAMP PERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD Sponsored by First Republic Bank, Los Angeles Wednesday, May 15, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
SOUTH CENTRAL LAMP BEAUTIFICATION DAY Saturday, May 18, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
RELENTLESS RESILIENCE 21st Annual from Slavery to Freedom Gala Presented by the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking Honorees: Yalitza Aparicio and Participant Media, Changemakers Linda Lopez, Chief of LA Mayor's Office on Immigrant Affairs, Visionary Leadership Thursday, May 23, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Follow event links for further information
Special thanks to our contributors to this egram: Jen Coito, Christine LeFort, Sarah Marcuse, Jodee McElfresh, Lisa Stupar and Tisna Tjahana