a pioneering endeavor
Dear Friends,
To be a pioneer is to be ready and willing to risk the known for the unknown. Images of pioneers may include covered wagons. Actually, when Jesus told His apostles to "go out into the whole world and tell the good news," He was commissioning them to be pioneers. A pioneer courageously follows a passion of the heart, venturing forward into unknown territory, trusting that God will show the way, uncertain of the impact. For the Sisters of Notre Dame in the United States, a new pioneering venture is upon us.
Pioneering is not new for the community. Fleeing Germany in 1874, venturing to California in 1924, sacrificing the known for the unknown of Uganda in 1995--in each of these situations, the SNDs responded to the ever-new call of God.
In 2011, through many conversations, the SNDs realized various commonalities, both in terms of blessings and challenges. This led to the decision "to embrace our shared future by becoming one province in July, 2020." This pioneering venture will combine internal services, and individuals and resources will be more available for mission. A timeframe has been developed, with the announcement of new leadership to be completed this year. Because this change is primarily about mission, the SNDs have collaboratively determined three priorities for the new province:
- Sponsored education and ministries
- Ministries on the margins
- Young adult ministries
Further information about the new "Immaculate Conception Province" and these ministry priorities will be available at www.sndca.org, in this monthly Mission Advancement Egram, and in future editions of Vision & Challenge. Like previous SND pioneers, the community is following a passion of the heart with bold courage, venturing forward into unknown territory, trusting that God will show the way into an unknown future. Thank you for praying for God's blessings on this endeavor.
Blessings always,
Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D.
Director of Mission Advancement Services
featuring SND Vocations
On March 11, the national SND vocations team hosted a first ever Facebook Live event in honor of National Catholic Sisters Week. Panelists pictured here are Tresa Gowland, Jen Coito, Sr. Valerie Marie Roxburgh and Sr. Antoinette Marie Moon. Follow this link to watch the recorded video and to learn more about the Sisters of Notre Dame. The vocations team looks forward to sharing more about SND life in future live events and archived videos. For further information, contact Sr. Valerie Marie Roxburgh.
running for the sisters!
The National Junior Honor Society at St. John Eudes School in Chatsworth proved to be undaunted! They had planned to attend the Fifth Annual Nun Run, but due to the inclement weather, they had to cancel. On March 13, the students held their own "Nun Run" and ran in honor of the SNDs. Each student carried a sign recognizing one of the sisters and prayed for her in preparation for the day. As they ran around the playground, they chanted, "We love the nuns, that's why we run."
Special thanks to Sr. Louise Marie Hlavac who spoke to their class in January and rallied their team. St. John Eudes School won the "2019 Nun Run Spirit Award" for their creativity and enthusiastic support for the event.
Some friends have asked if the rain impacted the success of the Nun Run. The SNDs are extremely grateful to everyone who participated in any capacity. The actual number of runners was less than anticipated, based on previous years' records, because there were fewer last-minute registrations. The result was $6,500 less in income than projected. The SNDs respectfully request that our friends consider
filling this gap, investing in SND outreach to those in need of God's love. Thank you for your encouragement and support!
passing on the love of his Catholic faith
"As I have told many of my colleagues, the Sisters of Notre Dame were the best teachers I ever had. I stand by that. I can only hope to cling to the folds of their faith to sustain my own."
Read more.
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care. We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society. To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at
and experience unique diversity!
Sr. Mary Ann Hanson welcomes Sr. Noella Maria Kim to Notre Dame Center.
Following a tradition of helping members of the worldwide SND community learn English, the California SNDs welcomed Sr. Noella Maria Kim (HyunJeong Kim), who arrived from Incheon, South Korea (near Seoul). She will spend the next six months becoming more conversant in English. Having previously ministered in a parish and a middle school in Korea, she hopes to someday teach English. Sr. Noella's learning program at Notre Dame Center includes three daily classes in conversational English under the guidance of Sr. Antonine Manning, Sr. Shirley Marie McGovern, and Sr. Amy Hauck. She also enjoyed the opportunity to tour several Los Angeles attractions, including Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral, Olvera Street, Chinatown, and the Hollywood sign. Reflecting on her time here so far, Sr. Noella remarked that although she has heard America referred to as a melting pot, this is the first time she has actually experienced anything like the diversity found in Los Angeles and Southern California.
Events and Quick Links
Follow event links for further information
The University Series from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
"Is It My Will or Your Will, God" by Sr. Val Roxburgh and Jen Coito Apr. 8 at St. Peter Claver Parish, Simi Valley
Tours of Ventura County's first permanent affordable housing community for veterans
March 30, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
For women ages 20+, a time for deep listening to the Holy Spirit
April 12 - April 14
Special thanks to our contributors to this egram: Jen Coito, Tresa Gowland, Sarah Marcuse, Sr. Val Roxburgh and Lisa Stupar