celebrating perpetual vows
Sr. Mary Grace Leung, a native of New York City, made her perpetual vows as a Sister of Notre Dame on August 4. A convert to the Catholic Church, she first met the SNDs at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress in 2007. Before entering, she worked as an executive assistant at major corporations including NBC and Hilton. Now, Sr. Grace serves with the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal, offering healing and hope to those seeking an annulment.
committing to share the SND mission and spirit
The Sisters and Associates of Notre Dame welcomed these new Associates on Aug. 25. Left to right, they are Juan and Guadalupe Benitez, Margaret and James Phillips, Olga Hernandez, Tim and Blanca Duncan, Mike Henschel, and Margaret and Warren Smith. Those interested in becoming an SND Associate are encouraged to contact
Sr. Lisa Megaffin
. Inquiry meetings will be held in September, with the Associate Candidate formation beginning in October.
planning to reform the fashion industry
"One of Olivia's lifelong goals is to help reform the fashion industry. She hopes to meet some of the industry leaders in the fashion world in London, to convince them of ethical practices within the environment and human rights arenas..."
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care. We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society. To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at
providing new dining room windows
The Sisters of Notre Dame wish to thank SOAR (Support Our Aging Religious) for a grant that funded new dining room windows at Notre Dame Center. The double-pane feature is energy efficient and the windows are much easier to open.
Follow this link to learn more about SOAR.
Other improvements needed at Notre Dame Center include carpet replacement in one of the assisted living wings, as well as several new heating and air-conditioning units, re-roofing of a wing,
and slurry coating of the parking lot. Donations to the Building Fund are greatly appreciated!
FOUNDATION DAY, celebrating 94 years in California
I trust that you feel the joy and gratitude emanating through this digital marvel! Today is a special anniversary for the Sisters of Notre Dame as we mark the 94th anniversary of the SND's arrival in Los Angeles. It is hard to imagine life in 1924--travel, communications and so much more are radically different. Can you imagine the pioneers stepping off the train at Union Station and posting a selfie on Facebook? Didn't happen!
But what
is the same is the dedication of the SNDs and our colleagues as we share God's love with those in need. We are profoundly blessed to have you as our partner in mission. With the marvels of modern communication, we are so much more aware of the spiritual, material, social, emotional, and intellectual poverty that grips our world. With your continued generosity, we will be able to touch even more minds and hearts.
Thank you! And be assured of our prayerful good wishes, today and always.
In Notre Dame,
Director of Mission Advancement Services
Quick Links
in support of
CAST (Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking)
Saturday, September 29
Saturday, October 6
South Central LAMP 25th Anniversary Brunch Saturday, October 20
Sunday, October 28
Many Mansions Bowls of Hope Sunday, November 4
Notre Dame Academy Open House Sunday, December 2
Saturday, February 2
Special thanks to our contributors to this egram: Sr. Judeen Julier, Sr. Rebekah Kennedy, Jen Coito, Sarah Marcuse and Lisa Stupar