fostering a magnanimous spirit!
As we have shared in previous egrams, the Sisters of Notre Dame in the United States are preparing for a significant moment in congregational history. By next July, we will all be members of the Immaculate Conception province, nicknamed SND*USA.
One of the maxims of St. Julie Billiart, our spiritual mother, was "to have hearts as wide as the universe." And one of her letters includes a similar vignette: "Many times the Bishop of Ghent has said to me, 'Mere Julie, it is your vocation to go anywhere in the world; you are not made to stay in only one diocese.'" So while this union of the four provinces of the United States into one province will not require the relocation of many SNDs, it will provide opportunities for SNDs, Associates, colleagues and friends to follow Julie's inspiration. What a great grace it is to have a larger perspective, and with the growing collaboration among us over the last several years, that is already happening!
This June 22, we will also be celebrating the 50th anniversarty of the canonization of St. Julie Billiart, our spiritual mother. For those of us who were educated by the SNDs in the 1950's and 1960's (and probably earlier than that), we were encouraged to pray for that canonization.
We also want to share information about the publication of a new book by Sr. M. Kathleen Glavich, The Walking Love of God: Saint Julie Billiart. Follow this link for a summary of this novel based on St. Julie's life and for ordering information. We are confident that St. Julie's inspirational story will help us all to grow in the magnanimity that she exemplified and championed!
Director of Mission Advancement Services
developing students with caring hearts...
good citizens of the earth
Lizette Martinez Strom with her daughter, Tristan, a member of La Reina's Class of 2020.
One of the first impressions that Lizette Martinez Strom had of the SNDs was that they were "energetic...full of life...determined to continue what St. Julie Billiart started...continuing her mission to educate, guide and instill strength" in their students.
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care. We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society. To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at
appreciating their Nun Run support
Sr. M. Sheila Faye welcomes one of the guests from St. Jude the Apostle School. The second-grade class became very active with the Fifth Annual Nun Run as part of their religion curriculum--studying religious vocations.
On May 29, they visited Notre Dame Center to meet the sisters and learn more about religious life. The SNDs also thanked the students for Their help with the Nun Run--with refreshments and special gifts. And thank you to Ms. Kaitlyn Wilson, second-grade teacher, for coordinating their efforts!
recognizing her servant leadership
The community of Notre Dame Academy is thanking Tefi Ma'ake for her years of service as she relocates this summer to join her fiance. Ms. Ma'ake has shepherded hundreds of students through NDA's distinguished campus ministry program, inspiring them to be servant leaders by her humble example.
Recently, Ms. Ma'ake was recognized by the Department of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She also received a "Pillar of NDA award" for her commitment to the ideals of NDA: a woman of faith, academic excellence, vision, leadership, service and compassion. The Sisters of Notre Dame wish her all the best!
radiating hope to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Most Rev. Alex Alcan blesses the congregation. |
Sr. M. Jolisa Lazaro shares this firsthand story of the Episcopal ordination of Bishop Alex Alcan for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
"May 16, 2019 was a very memorable day! I had the honor and pleasure to represent the Sisters of Notre Dame at the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Alex Alcan at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The cathedral was packed and filled with exuberant joy! There was continuous applause when Bishop Alex walked around, showing the scroll of the papal mandate from Rome, appointing him as auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles. As Bishop Alex processed out, giving his blessing, again there was tumultuous applause and cellphones raised to take a perfect photo.
This humble man, born in the Philippines, has a big warm heart, dedicated to bringing people to a deeper faith in God. His priority has always been generous service, learned since childhood from his parents. I was happy to be with my cousins, Prosy Abarquez DeLaCruz (a columnist for
Asian Journal) and Sion Abarquez Ferrer (a leader for Marriage Encounter and Cursillo). Sion has often worked with Bishop Alcan as a main speaker for these groups. I believe that this joyous event was indeed a renewal of hope for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the wider Catholic Church."
thanks to our donors!
The SNDs in Uganda, California and Kentucky wish to thank the donors who have already responded to the appeal in the April egram for funding for a PUMP WATER SYSTEM.
To donate online, please select Uganda and indicate PUMP WATER SYSTEM in the notes.
For further information, contact
Sr. Lisa Megaffin
And thank you for your personal sacrifices which will transform lives!
Events and Quick Links
EAST AFRICA/UGANDA MISSION UPDATE by Sr. M. Frances Wahl St. Pius X Parish, Jamul, California June 15 and 16
For information about East Africa/Uganda Mission updates in July and August, follow this link to the calendar of events.
Special thanks to our contributors to this egram: Jen Coito, Sr. M. Jolisa Lazaro, Jodee McElfresh, Sarah Marcuse and Lisa Stupar