transforming young hearts and minds!
This photo shows one of the rooms awaiting tables, chairs, instructional materials and SEPH participants!
During the month of October, the Sisters of Notre Dame will gratefully celebrate the 167th anniversary of the foundation of our congregation. October will also find the California province opening a free, pilot program, SEMBRANDO ESPERANZA/Planting Hope, nicknamed SEPH. SEPH will be a new means for ministry on the margins, while expanding partnerships and fostering justice, peace and the integration of creation.
Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski has been researching an outreach program that would meet the needs of low-income children in Oxnard. Last year, she worked with Mercy Housing in developing such a program. Now, the SNDs will be leasing space from the Oxnard Housing Authority in the Colonia area of Oxnard. The program will officially begin as an outreach program of the California province in the coming weeks, with volunteers working with Sr. Cristina Marie, program director. Just as our co-foundresses
Aldegonda Wolbring and Elisabeth Kuhling reached out in 1850 to the children of Coesfeld, Germany, SEPH is designed to transform young hearts and minds in a safe and nurturing environment. The program will promote academic growth; cultivate self-respect and respect for others; foster empathy, compassion and responsibility; and develop emotional and social growth in families. Activities will include afterschool homework tutoring, arts and crafts, and eventually, parenting classes.
In a spirit of collaboration, Sr. Cristina Marie is currently recruiting and orienting volunteers. For information about volunteering, please contact her at
seph@sndca.org. The SND Mission Advancement Department is seeking funding for this new venture; for questions regarding funding, contact Sr. Lisa Megaffin at
lmegaffin@sndca.org or 805-917-3714. Donations may be made
online, indicating the Life & Ministry Fund and SEPH in the comment field, or mailed to the Mission Advancement Office, indicating SEPH in the memo line of the check.
The Sisters of Notre Dame are grateful to have this new opportunity to carry on our co-foundresses' creativity and trust in God's providence. Thank you for holding this ministry in your prayer!
running with purpose & passion
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Early bird registration NOW OPEN
through Tuesday, October 31!
The fourth annual Nun Run will support the SND outreach to more than 10,000 people each year through education, health care, faith formation, spiritual development and social ministries.
Start building your Nun Run Team today!
Register Now
Questions/ideas? Contact Jen Coito, Associate Director of Mission Advancement by
email or at 805-917-3730.
Thank you for partnering with the Sisters of Notre Dame!
educator par excellence
Meredeth Vogler joined the faculty at Notre Dame Academy in the fall of 1970. For the beginning years of her career at NDA, she taught French I & II, World History, and Freshman English. From 1990-1997 she was responsible for student discipline, and now serves as the Vice Principal and Associate Principal. In these various roles, she has touched many lives as an educator par excellence.
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care. We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society. To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at
Dear Friends,
As the season of fall surrounds us, it is a time to return to the "ordinary time" of parish, organization and school programs. How appropriate it is, then, that we celebrate Mission Sunday over the weekend of October 21 and 22. When Jesus asked his disciples to go into the world and tell the good news, he was not limiting this command to those before him--it was an imperative that each of us, as believers so many years later, are also called to exercise. For this reason, we gratefully embrace the opportunity to tell the good news in many different ways. And we thank you, our friends, colleagues and partners, for joining us on this journey.
Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services
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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram: Azalea Bilac, Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, Jen Coito, Mary Anne Hedrick, Sarah Marcuse, and Lisa Stupar.