an abundance of God's graces!
Today marks the 93rd anniversary of the arrival of 11 Sisters of Notre Dame who courageously forged across the country to begin their ministries in California. In 1924, the Sisters of Notre Dame arrived in Los Angeles from Cleveland, Ohio. Their new homes, at St. Matthias in Huntington Park and St. Lawrence of Brindisi in Watts, held many new ventures for the pioneers. Since then, the SND spirit and mission has flourished in the lives of many who have shared the journey with us.
Like Southern California's diversity, the sisters today represent a variety of nationalities, cultures and ministries. Little did the pioneers' realize that their personal sacrifices, missionary spirit and generosity would impact so many. Their lives as consecrated women religious, their community spirit, their magnanimous service--all are means to proclaim God's goodness and provident care. Under the inspiration of Mary, Mother of the Church, the SNDs have called upon their unique talents while responding to the needs of the Church and all humankind.
Please join us today in thanking God for an abundance of graces during these past 93 years. And thank you for sharing our journey!
partners in mission
Since the SNDs first ventured to Buseesa, Uganda, in 1995, God's goodness and provident care has continued to unfold. The generosity of thousands of benefactors has enabled this mission field to bring an incredible education to children in this very poor area. Despite rampant illiteracy and a low life-expectancy, the new life of the Gospel is bearing fruit. The SNDs gratefully acknowledge the opportunity to share the story of our Ugandan mission with hundreds of parishioners this summer through the Mission Co-operative Appeal.
Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski spoke at three parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. As a former missionary to Uganda, she was inspired by the response! "The pastors asked their parishioners to give as generously as possible. The parishioners stopped by to view the photos of the St. Julie's children and many were touched by the picture of a mother hoeing the field, with her toddler in tears. Some parents asked me to talk to their children about how little the children in the pictures had."
Thank you to these archdioceses/dioceses and parishes: Archdiocese of Brooklyn, New York
Immaculate Conception Parish * Astoria
Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California
Holy Spirit Parish * Los Angeles |
St. Catherine of Siena Parish * Reseda
St. Patrick Parish * North Hollywood | San Buenaventura Mission * Ventura
Old Mission Santa Inés * Solvang
Diocese of Orange, California
St. Thomas Moore Parish, Irvine
Diocese of Sacramento, California
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, Fairfield
Be assured of the profound gratitude of the SNDs and the children and families of Buseesa, Uganda and all engaged in the SND Global Missions!
prayer missionary and woman of service
When passion and calling coincide, one can only be so fortunate. Experiencing this first hand was the way for La Reina High School alumna Meghan Meros, '04. Meghan currently serves as the Associate Director of the Franciscan Mission Service, an organization that prepares and supports lay Catholics to aid in two-year international, one-year national and one to two-week short term mission opportunities, assisting marginalized and impoverished communities across the globe.
Read more.
The "Where are they now" feature of the SND Mission Advancement Egram will give updates on our colleagues and former students--anyone entrusted to our care. We want to share how they live the SND mission by serving, leading, and giving hope within our diverse society. To submit information for this column, please email Sarah Marcuse at smarcuse@sndca.org. |
understanding hearts
The SNDs are privileged to collaborate with St. Julie Billiart Parish in Newbury Park as sponsors for Stephen Ministry. This ministry prepares and empowers lay care-givers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
Recently, five men and seven women began the required 50 hours of training as Stephen Ministry Candidates. The diversity of backgrounds they represent will serve them well in providing understanding hearts--a firefighter, retired school counselor, hospital volunteer, FAA officer, SND Associates, nurse and real estate agent.
Follow this link for further information.
SND ASSOCIATES, living as radical disciples of Jesus
The 2018 Class of SND Associate Candidates will begin in January, 2018. Those interested in the inquiry process and applications should send contact information to:
Inquiry/orientation meetings will be held in the late fall.
IF ONLY YOU KNEW THE GIFTS GOD WANTS TO GIVE YOU, gifts of divine providence!
Dear Friends,
As August comes to a close, I feel compelled to express my profound gratitude to our good and provident God for his boundless mercies and I want to share this story as an awesome example of God's goodness and provident care. I am deeply indebted to everyone for their prayers, encouragement and support. In 2000, I remember hearing the Gospel story of Jesus meeting the woman at the well. This slightly different translation of John 4:10 touched my soul and it resounds now as well. Jesus said to the woman, "If only you knew the gift God wants to give you..." And that has been my experience on this journey.
Blessings always,
Director of Mission Advancement Services
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Special thanks to our contributors to this egram: Sr. Cristina Marie Buczkowski, Jen Coito, Sr. Marie Paul Grech, Sarah Marcuse, Meghan Meros, and Lisa Stupar.