Mission Advancement Egram | Special Edition | July 6, 2020


The Sisters of Notre Dame reunited their four North American provinces, or administrative units, on July 5, 2020. The new national province includes sisters from Thousand Oaks, California; Covington, Kentucky; Chardon, Ohio and Toledo, Ohio. Chardon, Ohio will serve as the national headquarters for SND USA.

The congregation's 500+ sisters nationwide will combine resources and personnel to focus on three broad ministry initiatives:
  • The education and healthcare institutions founded by the sisters
    in each geographic area
  • Ministries serving new needs of people on margins
  • Young adult and vocation ministries
The SND USA Leadership Team includes Sr. Margaret Gorman, Provincial, from Chardon, OH; Sr. Mary Shauna Bankemper, Assistant Provincial, from Covington, KY; Sr. Regina Marie Fisher, Council Member, from Toledo, OH; Sr. Patricia Mary Garrahan, Council Member, from Chardon, OH; and Sr. Mary Rebekah Kennedy, Council Member, from Thousand Oaks, CA.

"With the ease of communication and travel in the 21st Century, it became dramatically apparent that SND-sponsored institutions and ministries could be strengthened if we combined our efforts and resources nationwide into one SND USA province," explains Sr. Margaret, who now serves as the congregation's provincial throughout the United States. "While sisters in each geographic area will continue their local ministries, the addition of an SND USA model brings renewed enthusiasm, collaboration and outreach opportunities not only with our sisters but also with our lay partners."

Today, the Sisters of Notre Dame are an international community spanning five continents, 14 time zones, and 17 countries. Sisters of Notre Dame come from all walks of life, at various times of their lives, from different careers, cultures, and collective experiences. Along with ministry expansions in the United States, SND-founded international missions continue to provide services in India, East Africa, and Papua New Guinea.  

Follow this link to read more about SND history, the national leadership team and mission priorities.  And here are special congratulations to Sr. Rebekah as she assumes her new responsibilties.  

In the photos above, leaders for California include (on the left) Sr. M. Rebekah Kennedy, Council Member, Sr. Rita Marie Schroeder, Community Coordinator for Notre Dame Center, Sr. Betty Mae Bienlein, Province Secretarial Team; and on the right, Sr. M. Judeen Julier, Community Coordinator.