Reach out to our local WorkBC office to learn more about their Employer Resources and how they can support you with your hiring and training needs.
Wage Subsidy Program
The WorkBC Wage Subsidy program is an opportunity for employers to re-hire laid off employees, hire new employees and connect with WorkBC clients looking for work experience and job opportunities.
This program offers an opportunity to employers by:
• Covering a portion of employee wages
• Providing disability supports to reduce work-related barriers for an employee
• Re-hiring/recalling laid off employees
• Hiring new employees
The program offers benefits to job seekers with:
• Paid work experience opportunities
• On-the-job training
• Possible long-term employment options
Employer Training Program
The B.C. Employer Training Grant provides funding to small, medium and large enterprises to support skills training for their workforces, including prospective new hires.
The intent of this program is to help British Columbians access the skills training required to adapt to the labour market’s changing job requirements, while also encouraging employer involvement in skills training.
The Employer Training Grant helps employers pay for training, which in turn helps employees experience increased job security or move into better jobs.