Hi Calvary Church family!
Today is day 13 of our 64-day journey through the Gospel of Matthew. I hope you are being diligent with your daily SOAP and I pray that you are already reaping practical benefits from your personal quiet time with the Lord.
I encourage you to check out the SOAP blog on our website or on the Calvary app, and the resources to help you SOAP! Reading the blog posts will give you some additional insights that you may not have gained from your own reading and meditation. Here is my application from my day 13 blog post.
The growth of God’s kingdom is of ultimate value and must be my #1 priority.
The devil tries to switch the price tags. He wants to deceive me into thinking that those things which have little or no value have immense value and the things which possess immense value have little or no value. If I listen to him, I will squander my resources and waste my life.
If I renew my mind on Jesus’ words and listen to the Holy Spirit, I will discern what is most valuable in life (The Kingdom of God and righteousness) and life a live a truly productive life!
If serving God is my #1 priority than I won’t be consumed with acquiring this world’s goods.
“Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” – unknown
I don’t have to worry because I serve a God who is all powerful and loves me as his child. When I find myself worrying I need to recognize that I am believing one or more of these lies: I am either believing that God doesn’t know my needs, isn’t able to meet my needs, or doesn’t care about my needs. The truth is he KNOWS, he CARES and he CAN!!
-Pastor Randy