Have you been following the SW Florida Eagles' nest? If you have, you know that Harriet, the female who had been at the nest for many years, disappeared last year, leaving Harriet's mate, M15, to care for two eaglets alone.
Because the female eagle chooses the nest site, it was unclear whether M15's new mate (whomever she would be) would choose to use the nest that Harriet and M15 rebuilt last year after the old nest fell in a storm. That nest has been equipped by Pritchett Real Estate with 3 cameras that give multiple views of the nest and surrounding area.
After much nail-biting on the part of eagle-cam mavens, and the coming and going of several potential new mates for M15, a 5-year-old female (now called F23) accepted the nest and she and M15 are now incubating 2 eggs.
M15 and F23 have a pair of great horned owls as neighbors. The owls are now incubating their own eggs, and periodically during the night one of the owls will attack the eagles and knock them off a branch.
You can follow this nest here: