SOBP August 2018 Newsletter
Letter from the Editor
Hello Everyone,

I hope this finds you well. As I start the role as Newsletter Editor, I realize it is a distinguished honor for me to continue after the leading contribution of my predecessor, Dr. Stephen Strakowski. Coming after him is not an easy task. I am thankful for all who attended the 73 rd annual meeting in New York this past May and contributed to its success. We had a record attendance of 2071 participants, including 144 SOBP travel awardees with cutting edge scientific contributions across plenaries, symposia, and posters sessions. Having had the privilege to take part in it and interacting with so many younger attendees, made me reflect on the fact that we continue to be part of a major scientific organization which fosters the growth of the next generation of behavior and clinical neuroscientist. The success of the meeting would not have been possible without the leadership of Lori McMahon and Carol Tamminga. For the first time this year, the plenary sessions were recorded and uploaded to the SOBP YouTube channel . The YouTube channel is an opportunity to disseminate knowledge among non-scientist who would otherwise unlikely have access to scientific discoveries on biological constructs of mental illness. I would like to encourage you to subscribe to the SOBP YouTube channel and become active members. This will be for all of us an inspirational reminder of what our colleagues do to advance the field and, more importantly, by communicating at large the science of mental illness, we will in turn raise awareness and help decreasing stigma. The 73 rd meeting also marked Maggie & Mimi’s retirement. I would like to personally thank them for their inspirational leadership and for having made of our Society a tight community united by the tireless dedication to a common goal in a spirit of fruitful collaboration and mutual respect. On a personal note, I owe to them and to their encouragement since our very first interactions, the great joy of serving the Society. Maggie & Mimi, THANK YOU.

I look forward to continuing engaging with you all through our Newsletters as we work hard to foster dissemination of scientific discoveries and collegiality, to ultimately better serve patients suffering with mental illness and their families. To achieve this goal, I will work closely with Dr. Robert Howland, Assistant Newsletter Editor. Please, don’t hesitate to send us ideas and suggestions that we could use to make the Newsletter an even better tool and in line with your goals.


Jorge Almeida
Member, SOBP
Director, Bipolar Disorder IPU
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Dell Medical School at University of Texas at Austin

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in these editorials are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, its officers, or members.
74th Annual Scientific Convention for the Society of Biological Psychiatry
May 16-18, 2019
Chicago, Illinois

Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience: Tools, Techniques and Transformative Frameworks
The field of biological psychiatry is approaching a catalytic period for discovery. The purpose of the 2019 SOBP Annual meeting is to provide an interactive platform for learning and discovery. The meeting program will focus on innovative and transformative frameworks for understanding psychiatric illnesses, and present enhanced and newly emerging tools for measurement and intervention. Within these frameworks and with these tools, techniques and experimental designs are illustrated that can enhance understanding of psychiatric illness and elucidate the biological pathways and markers of illness processes.

Important Upcoming Dates for the 2019 Annual Meeting
August 13, 2018 - Honorific and Travel Award Submissions Open
Sep. 4, 2018 - Symposia Submissions Open

Join SOBP Now
Membership has its benefits! Please plan to submit your application now in time to gain these benefits.  To apply for SOBP Membership, please click here.

For a list of members that have joined since our last Newsletter, click here.

Benefits of membership include:

  • **NEW**Video Library SOBP Members have access to SOBP's Video Library. This new video library includes plenary talks from the 2018 SOBP Annual Meeting. Presentations and other video content will be added to the library in 2019.
  • Biological Psychiatry is one of the most selective and highly cited journals in the field of psychiatric neuroscience. It is ranked 6th out of 142 Psychiatry titles and 9th out of 259 Neurosciences titles in the 2017 ISI Journal Citations Reports® published by Clarivate Analytics. The 2017 Impact Factor score for Biological Psychiatry is 11.982. Biological Psychiatry is also the first-ranked psychiatry journal according to Google Scholar (June 2017).
  • Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (BP:CNNI)  This new online journal focuses on fundamental advances occurring in the field of cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging.
  • Sponsor and submit abstracts for presentation at the meeting.
  • Waived abstract fees for members
  • Discounted registration fees for the annual meeting in New York, May 10-12, 2018
  • Leadership and volunteer opportunities 
  • Membership Directory –Connect with your colleagues using the on-line membership directory
  • Quarterly newsletter – Keep informed on all the news and updates from the Society
  • Job Center – Post your resume, post a job opening, or look for other professional opportunities
  • Career Development Resources – links to scientific, funding and career development resources
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Signup to join one of the Society's many committees or a task force.   Click here  to tell us which groups you would be interested in joining. 
SOBP Career Center
SOBP's Career Center  connects our members with employment opportunities and employers with the best professionals within our membership. Employment opportunities range from post-doc positions, faculty positions, neuroscience jobs in industry and alternative careers.
Visit  SOBP's Career Center   today to explore employment opportunities. Post an anonymous resume for employers or recruiters to view.
Links to other  resources  are available for your convenience.

Quick Links


May 12-16, 2019

(Receive email alerts for
content of interest to you)

(A brief summary of articles in current issue)

Other Meetings of Interest

September 27-30, 2018
Mexico City, Mexico

October 6-7, 2018
New York, New York

December 9 -13, 2018
Hollywood, Florida

March 20-23, 2019
Sydney, Australia
  Society of Biological Psychiatry Newsletter Editorial Staff 

Jorge Almeida, MD, Editor
Robert Howland, PhD, Assistant Editor
5034A Thoroughbred Lane, Brentwood, TN 37027 | [email protected] | (615) 324-2366 |