
In early August, the infection rate of the Delta variant began to significantly increase. During member check-in calls companies inquired about best practices around mask mandates, vaccination rates and business travel. As members turned to SOCMA for guidance, we organized a roundtable with three discussion leaders who provided advice and experience through the lens of manufacturing, sales and legal.

It's SOCMA's mission to provide timely, actionable solutions to challenges impacting your company, employees and the industry. We are pleased to deliver the results of a post-roundtable survey, where respondents shared their respective company’s metrics. Analyzing the results, SOCMA has learned the following:

  • Mask mandates are returning due to the number of unvaccinated employees.
  • Incentives such as rewards and prizes for vaccines are still being offered.
  • Companies with non-production personnel are working remotely.
  • If visitors are permitted, most companies are requiring them to social distance and wear masks.

Please reach out to me if you have questions related to your unique circumstance. Finally, I encourage those who haven't already done so to complete the survey that will allow us to provide updated results.

Kind Regards,

Robert Helminiak
Vice President, Legal and Government Relations
Delta Variant Analysis - Impacts on the Industry
Company Safety Measures
Based on rising number of cases, SOCMA asked members how they're handling the changing environment. Responses from members varied, but showed that companies are again taking precautions or considering changing their overall protocols.
Vaccination Responses

Responses show that many companies are facing vaccination challenges. Most companies surveyed have between 40-80% of their workforce vaccinated.
Have Questions? Contact SOCMA

SOCMA will continue to be a resource for members and the industry throughout these challenging times. We encourage those who haven't already done so to complete the surveyYour responses will assist SOCMA in developing future COVID-19 roundtables and creating a member FAQ. Read more about the roundtable and the Delta Variant impacts on the specialty chemical industry here.

Please contact [email protected] with questions.