Jan. 31 - Feb. 4, 2022 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
Whoopsie, editor error! Yesterday's "green sheet" 2-week calendar sent to your inboxes with the Order of Service had the upcoming Choral Chameleon concert listed incorrectly: it will be on Saturday February 26, 8 PM. It's going to be fabulous so save it on your calendars. We just got a week ahead of ourselves we were so excited! Details will follow -
Glenn Rodriguez and Ligia Lamprea-Rodriguez, both originally from New York, are happy to call Norwalk their home. They have been married for 11 years, and are grateful and proud parents to their son, Tobias.
Ligia Lamprea Rodriguez is fluent in English and Spanish. She loves her career as a real estate agent, especially after having stayed home with Tobias during his formative years. She is an avid volunteer/supporter for several not-for-profits, and she loves exercise, yoga and doing puzzles. Her favorite dessert is fruit tart or a fruit pie.
Glenn Rodriguez is a Spanish teacher who has taught in both public and private schools. Currently, he is the middle school Spanish teacher and Language Coordinator at The Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, NY. He learned Spanish as a second language and has an affinity for the cultures that speak it. He has an extensive martial arts and wrestling background, including Tai Chi. His favorite dessert is hot apple pie à-la-mode.
Tobias is a fourth-grader at the Silvermine Dual Language Magnet School in Norwalk. He’s looking forward to joining his father at The Masters School next year. He speaks, reads and writes both English and Spanish. His hobbies aside from playing with friends include baseball, soccer, and playing the drums. His favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream.
The Rodriguez Family are very close and active. They enjoy music, nature, travel and fitness, and are thrilled to be part of the UU Westport Community.
To extend a warm welcome to the family, please email Ligia HERE.
ROGUES' GALLERY - FEBRUARY 11 and 12 - 7:30 PM
The UU Players are back! Join them in the sanctuary, in person - and maybe online, too; still working out all the details. For now hold the date, and get ready to hear from your friends: Bob Perry, Tom Croarkin, Joanne Orenstein, Luke Garvey, Meg Jones, David Smith, Jim Cooper, Sarah Bell and Candace Clinger.
"Ten magnetic characters. Ten bizarre, explosive and darkly humorous stories. This collection of monologues from the imagination of Pulitzer Prize - winning John Patrick Shanley probes the allure of bad behavior and the absurdity of being human." Click HERE for further details re this wonderful content.
Tickets at the door $20/person. No refreshments; no intermission. Questions? Contact Jim Luongo
The topic of our first-Monday-of-the-month podcast discussion with Rev. John will be the On Being podcast episode Navigating Loss Without Closure. “Pauline Boss coined the term “ambiguous loss” and invented a new field within psychology to name the reality that every loss does not hold a promise of anything like resolution. Amid this pandemic, there are so many losses — from deaths that could not be mourned, to the very structure of our days, to a sudden crash of what felt like solid careers and plans and dreams.”
Listen to this podcast HERE and come ready to share your thoughts. ZOOM HERE. Questions? Contact Linda Lubin.
All are invited to explore spiritual growth and express themselves through a range of creative exercises. No artistic skill is required. This reflective and interactive experience of self-expression is led by Janet Luongo - author, artist, and art teacher. The group will meet for 5 sessions, once a month at 7 PM on the third Tuesday, beginning February 15 through June 21. Each participant will receive a packet of prompts that includes inspiration (poems, songs, videos), journaling prompts, and several ways participants may respond to the month’s theme. Each chooses one or more project(s) ranging from writing, poetry, painting, collage, photography, video, music, song, and dance – or create whatever you dream up! Contact Janet Luongo for questions or to sign up.
Grab your coffee and join us - three sessions remain: Feb 6 with Rainy Broomfield, Feb 13 with Kim Warman, and Feb 20 with Beth Cliff. We look forward to seeing you! Details including ZOOM link HERE. Refer to relevant WeekEND Soundings for text choices.
The TUCWomen are launching a twice-a-month Sunday afternoon series on ZOOM, Grandmother’s Kitchen, open to all.
Save the date - FEBRUARY 13 - for the first dinner which will be Ravi Sankar sharing from his country of origin, India. Check SOUNDINGS for more details as it gets closer. And if you’re interested in hosting, let TUCWomen know.
Reminder The 1619 Project Book Discussion will be this Friday, February 4 7-8:30 PM. ZOOM Link HERE. Questions? Contact Pat Francek.
Join a free webinar from the National Museum of African American History and Culture to explore the last 5 years of the Rev Martin Luther King's fight to end segregation and racial discrimination.
Read and discuss "Rainbow Milk" by Paul Mendez for the African and African American Authors Book Discussion Group at a library in Stamford.
Listen to a recent podcast from "The United States of Anxiety", talking about the nuances of race and identity.
Please CLICK HERE for details.
Cold is here and gloves held dear
A book of Seuss is on the loose
Find some gloves, mittens and Suess
And bring to the UU by car or moose!
(courtesy of Dr. Heather Hamilton!)
Calling for gently used Dr. Seuss books for the March 2 celebration of Dr. Seuss Day at Beardsley School. Please drop off any donations in the "Dr. Seuss" bin underneath the Beardsley Board in the foyer.
We are also requesting gloves and/or mittens for our Beardsley students, especially the little ones in K-3 classes. Any contributions are most welcome. And remember that our virtual Beardsley Board is always looking for donations, too!
We need to show up! Last year in Connecticut someone was murdered with a gun, on average, once every three days. Most of the killings occurred in Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven alone.
It’s a public health crisis that won’t go away unless the state invests more to save lives.
That’s why we’re rallying: Valentine’s Day Rally to End Community Gun Violence, in Hartford at the State Capitol on February 14 at 11:00 AM.
We chose this day to share in the grief of the families and friends of victims of everyday gun violence that is constantly shattering the lives of loved ones, especially in Black and brown communities. Click HERE for information about the rally, local gun buy backs, gun violence prevention in Bridgeport, and 2022 legislation in Connecticut.
All of us at Voices Cafe are so grateful for your support of our artists and our causes, especially during these challenging times.
And as the Covid numbers are now beginning to plummet, our optimism about our spring season goes UP and what an amazing and inspiring line-up it is starting off with Reggie Harris and Greg Greenway with their signature performance, Deeper Than The Skin, live and streamed on Sunday, February 20, followed by Suzanne Sheridan, Caravan of Thieves, South for Winter, and wrapping up with a Diana Jones benefit for the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants. Please click HERE for information about our exciting upcoming series.
Mondays: 6-7:30 PM via ZOOM Buddhist Practice Group Nina Nagy Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis. Podcast Discussions with Rev. John first Mondays, 7-8 PM on ZOOM HERE. Linda Lubin
Tuesdays: 11AM-12 noon Interfaith Theology RSVP HERE
Fridays: Every other Fri (next, Feb 11), 12:30-2PM. Shawl Ministry ZOOM Jan Braunle.
First Fridays 12-1PM Awakenings ZOOM Kathy Roberts. Last Fridays 7:30 PM
Saturdays: 12:00 noon- 4 PM John Street Bag Lunch Drop Off David Vita
Our complete calendar is always on our website. Click HERE for quick access
Fierce Self-Compassion book discussion. Monday, January 31. 7-8:30 PM Self-compassion is an essential practice for those of us seeking to be more compassionate with others. ZOOM: HERE Contact Carol Hamilton.
Sacred Circles with Grandmother Nancy: Tuesdays, February 1 and 15, 7-8:30 PM. Talking circle, thought-provoking conversations. ZOOM HERE Contact Pat Francek
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email pca@uuwestport.org.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing pca@uuwestport.org
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth.
WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries.
WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.