JUNE 13-17, 2022 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
CLICK HERE for 2 week calendar PDF. .CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS.
Our summer schedule for SOUNDINGS will begin soon. We will publish a combined WeekEND and WeekDAY edition on June 24, and then move to a 2-week schedule, so that the next edition will be July 8. Please plan accordingly!
Are you attending the UUA’s General Assembly this year (June 22-26), either in Portland, Oregon, or on live streaming? Would you like to represent TUCW as one of our delegates? The Board of Trustees is looking for a few more people to cast votes on behalf of our Congregation on matters raised at the meeting. Please contact your Board Secretary at secretary@uuwestport.org if you are interested in being a delegate this year.
fountain pen pointing to the right
UUWRITERS. Explore monthly Soul Matters themes through Creative Writing. New members are always welcome. The topic this month is "Celebrating Blessings." The packet includes some wonderful songs and poems for inspiration. Join us Thursday, June 23 on ZOOM. Afternoon (1:00 PM) or evening (7:00 PM). Contact Sari Bodi for a ZOOM link and writing exercises to choose from.
Peggy Gormley Nancy McKeever Jan Braunle Loren Mitchel Kathy Roberts at Southport garden stroll last week to benefit the Pequot Library
Some members of the Shawl Ministry participated in the Southport garden stroll last week to benefit the Pequot Library.

Perfect weather and beautiful gardens; it was a fine way to get some exercise, support a worthy cause and be with UU friends! (Peggy Gormley, Nancy McKeever, Jan Braunle, Loren Mitchel, Kathy Roberts. There, but missing from photo: Diane Melish, Rob Zuckerman)
Anniversaries are always special, and on June 30, we will celebrate the 'official' end of our three-year Capital Campaign to repair, restore, and improve our beautiful iconic building and its surrounding grounds. A well-deserved festivity is in the planning stages!

It's hard to believe how far we have come. In 2015 the Building Committee under John Turmelle’s expertise evaluated the entire building for needed upgrades, ranking them from critical to important. That report was the basis for our Visioning and Strategic Planning which we did in 2018. In 2018-2019 Liz Coit, a fundraising consultant with the UUA, helped us raise over $2 million for our Capital Campaign....Click HERE for more.
Social Justice Banner
UUtheVOTE postcard writing campaign
For TUCW to earn a "'Good Trouble' Congregation" title, we need 20 % of our congregation involved. 
Can you write some pre-stamped postcards August 8 to encourage eligible Florida voters to vote? Contact Janet Luongo
Let's honor John Lewis by encouraging people of color to vote through “Reclaim our Vote”.
Tracy Hintz Mary Beth Mollica Kathy Roberts Diane Melish Jamie Forbes Sari Bodi Sharon Pivirotto is getting ready to cut her Happy Retirement cake May 18 2022
What fun to celebrate TUCW's wonderful connection with Beardsley School at our annual teacher/volunteer potluck dinner on May 18 at Carol Dannhauser's home in Fairfield. This year's event was especially memorable as we honored Sharon Pivirotto, Beardsley's principal for the past 10 years, who is retiring at the end of this school year. Pictured in photo, L to R: Tracy Hintz - Beardsley's teacher/librarian, Mary Beth Mollica, Kathy Roberts, Diane Melish, Jamie Forbes, and Sari Bodi. Sharon is getting ready to cut her "Happy Retirement" cake!
Mondays: 6-7:30 PM via ZOOM Buddhist Practice Group Nina Nagy Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.

Wednesdays: 7-8:15 PM The Power of Now Bob Bevacqua

Thursdays: 4 PM Talking Circles. ZOOM HEREJim Francek. 7:30 PM Color of Compromise Book Discussion David Vita

Fridays: Every other Fri (next, June 17), 12:30-2PM Shawl Ministry Jan Braunle.
First Fridays 12-1PM Awakenings ZOOM Kathy Roberts. Last Fridays 7:30 PM
UU Movie Group. ZOOM Dorothy Rich

Saturdays: 12:00 noon- 4 PM John Street Bag Lunch Drop Off David Vita

Sundays: 9 AM UU Meditation & Mindfulness for place & details Janet Luongo

The Hiking Group Sundays in July and August at Sherwood Island 8am Jamie Forbes Gian Morresi
Our complete calendar is always on our website. Click HERE for quick access
Find us on digital and social media: website: uuwestport.org, Facebook public page (Unitarian Church in Westport) private group (uuwestport), and Instagram (uuwestportct).
All women welcome at all events; visit our website for complete info.
Questions? Contact TUCWomen@gmail.com
  • The Women’s Circle with Grandmother Nancy: Tuesday, June 21, 7-8:30 PM. The topic is “Sacred Herbs."  ZOOM HERE Contact Pat Francek

  • Meet new friends and connect with old ones. Come to the TUCWomen Summer Potluck, Friday, July 15th at 6:30. Eileen Belmont will be hosting in Westport, CT. RSVP to Eileen for directions.
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email pca@uuwestport.org.
Our support network is available to provide tangible help for friends in need: meal delivery, pharmacy runs, grocery shopping, a regular phone call of connection. Contact a minister or coordinators Dorothy Rich,or Diane Cano,
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing pca@uuwestport.org
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
 WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
 WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.