November 2-6, 2020 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
CLICK HERE for 2 week calendar PDF. .CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS.
Click HERE for registration for Sunday morning 9:00 AM in-person services.
Great news! We have currently reached 60% of our goal! Thank you to all that have donated so far!

We want to reach our full goal of $10,000, to help fund new required technology such as updated cameras in the Sanctuary, improved routers and WiFi equipment, and new listening devices for hard-of-hearing congregants. These improvements will strengthen our live streaming and digital capabilities while enabling our congregation to CONNECT and engage in these unprecedented times.

To give, go to, or simply send a check to the church, and put CONNECT in the Memo line. Please give today as you are able. Questions? Contact Sam Somashekar.
This week we share a video from the UU the Vote team. Enjoy! Remember, EXPO 2020 is on the homepage of our website, or you can click to see it HERE .

Election Day is the day after tomorrow. It's not too late to get critical work done. Contact Janet Luongo or Beth Cliff to see what you can do to ensure everyone's voice is heard at the polls this year.
The much-awaited Election Day is just around the corner: two days away. Whatever happens, it will be a night we'll never forget.

Please save time after you've voted to join us when you can and feel so moved for an Election Night gathering, virtually. Rev. John will offer some readings and thoughts, and we will have a chance to share our thoughts, readings, and reflections. People can "pop in" and "pop out" as they wish.

ZOOM info HERE. ID: xxxxxxxxx. Passcode: xxxxxxxx
That’s the number of Brown bag Lunches provided by our community to folks in Bridgeport since March. Over 85 people making one lunch at a time, week after week, over the past 7 months. Some bags decorated, some include notes inside, families preparing them together, all made with love.

It’s a community of lunch-makers. Join us. Click HERE for 1… 2… 3… instructions.
In late June, a group formed organically to watch movies with #BLM themes and then to discuss them together on ZOOM. We have watched both documentaries and other feature films.

With the founding of the Racial Justice Council, we are now folding this group into it. This is a loose, friendly, open group where there is no big agenda and no formal process - just folks coming together to share reactions and thoughts about a movie they’ve seen. All are welcome; please invite your friends too!

We meet every other Wednesday, 7:00-8:30 PM. Our next gathering is Wednesday, November 11, and the movie is TIME, a Sundance Award winner which The New Yorker favorably reviewed. Click on the photo to see the trailer.

Questions? Contact Beth Cliff or Sudha Sankar. Join us on ZOOM, HERE.
Meeting ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Passcode: xxxxxxxxxxx
Join Rev. John and Linda Lubin on Thursday, November 5, 7:00-9:00 PM, for a Soul Matters Sharing Circle experience. If you are interested in the program this will give you a chance to try it out. You can then choose to continue with three more sessions of Starting Point before being placed in a Soul Matters Sharing Circle which will meet monthly.

Soul Matters groups give us the gift of spiritual connection and support us in the journey of reconnection to life, others and ourselves. Each month we focus on a theme, such as deep listening, healing, and commitment. We explore the theme on our own through provided readings and practices, then come together to share our thoughts and insights. RSVP to Rev. John or Linda Lubin.

ZOOM HERE. ID: xxxxxxxxxxxx Passcode: xxxxxxxxx Landline: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Please join us, Friday November 13, 5:30-6:30 PM
We recognize that this holiday season will be especially hard because of social distancing and post elections. This short meeting will present resources and offer practical help in dealing with loss and grief over the holidays. Rev. John, Wendy Levy, a practicing psychologist, and others from the Safer Congregations Committee will lead the meeting. There will be time for facilitated breakout groups. Join us Friday, November 13 5:30-6:30 PM for this informative session.

ZOOM room HERE ID: xxxxxxxxx Password: xxxxxxxxx Landline: xxxxxxxxxxx
Wednesdays, 7:00−9:00 PM
Instructors: Dr. Bart Stuck, Applied Mathematician
Rev. Marjorie Partch, Jungian Astrologer
Group discussions follow readings and lectures on ancient concepts and cutting-edge theories. For more information, click HERE. To learn how to participate via ZOOM, contact Bart Stuck - [email protected]
News from Nate about the Fall LREDA Conference
"Each year, the Liberal Religious Educators Association ("LREDA") holds a fall conference, and this year it was held virtually on ZOOM. There were about 275 participants, and I represented the Unitarian Church in Westport.

During the opening worship service, designed specifically for religious educators, who typically never attend worship services, we were reminded that this is a really hard time to do our work. READ MORE...
Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM via ZOOM Buddhist Practice Group Nina Nagy Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.

Wednesdays 7-8:15 PM. The Power of Now Jim Francek

Wednesdays 7-9 PM Is Mysticism Where Science and Religion Meet? Bart Stuck

Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM (Every other Wed; check calendar) #BLM Movie Night

Thursdays, 4-5 PM Talking Circles. ZOOM HEREJim Francek

Fridays 12-1 PM Awakenings ZOOM HERE David Vita

Sundays 10:00-10:45. Meditation Janet Luongo

1st Saturday and 3rd Wednesday of the month 9:30 AM. TUCW Hiking Group Gian Moressi Jamie Forbes
Our complete calendar is always on our website. Click HERE for quick access.
All women welcome at all events; visit our website for complete info.
ZOOM Information for All TUCWomen Gatherings: Meeting room: HERE ID: xxxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxxx Landline: xxxxxxxxxxx
• Tapping Circles Mondays in November. 7– 8:30 PM

• Sacred Circles with Grandmother Nancy Tuesday November 10 and 24. 7:30-9:00 PM

• Virtual Potluck: Join us from the comfort of your own home for conversations with old friends and new. Friday, November 20, 7:00 PM on ZOOM. Contact Eileen Belmont
Black Lives Matter Book Group
Discussion of the second and third sections of the non-fiction book, CASTE: the Origin of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson. All are welcome, even if you didn't attend the first meeting. Friday, November 6: 7:00-8:30 PM.
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email [email protected].
Our support network is available to provide tangible help for friends in need: meal delivery, pharmacy runs, grocery shopping, a regular phone call of connection. Contact a minister or coordinators Mary Jane Cross or Beth Cliff.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing [email protected]
Find us on digital and social media: website:, Facebook public page (Unitarian Church in Westport) private group (uuwestport), and Instagram (uuwestportct).
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
 WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
 WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.