October 12-16, 2020 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
CLICK HERE for 2 week calendar PDF. .CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS.
Click HERE for registration for Sunday morning 9:00 AM in-person services.
Have you checked it out? There is so much going on at the church these days! And plus, a fun retrospective of our 2019-2020 year, pre-Covid and after: you'll see friendly faces you may not have seen in months --
EXPO 2020 is on the homepage of our website, or you can click to see it HERE .
The new normal will heavily involve technology, and we have been hard at work these last few months to help our congregation CONNECT in these unprecedented times. But we want to do more.
The Stewardship Committee is launching a targeted campaign that will run from October 11 through November 8, to enhance our live-streaming capabilities for our Church so that we can better CONNECT with each other. Our goal is $10,000, to help fund new required technology such as updated cameras in the Sanctuary, improved routers and WiFi equipment, and new listening devices for hard-of-hearing congregants.
To give, go to vop.tucw.org and put in the NOTES section: CONNECT October Gift. Or send the church a check with CONNECT October Gift in the memo line.
Thank you. Your generous gifts will help TUCW become the symbol of integrated physical and digital worship.
Join us Tuesdays in October as Rev. John leads us in a special election seminar series. Here we will reflect on our liberal faith's principles and how we live them out with grace, love and conviction at such a fractious time in our democracy. Topics are scheduled as follows:

Oct 13: The Blurring of Church and State
October 20: Public Convictions and Private Behaviors
October 27: Our Children: Our Pupils and Our Teachers

This program is open to all - within and outside our church community. Please feel free to invite your friends of all political persuasions. For more information on each session, click HERE. Tuesday nights 6-7PM: ZOOM HERE ID: xxxxxxxxxx. Passcode: xxxxxxxxx

As a member of the Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, TUCW will be participating in a Gun Buy Back in Bridgeport. This is the first of our Gun Violence Prevention actions this church year. Watch the video and contact David Vita. 203.227.7205 x14
The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport
Raising the BAR - Becoming Anti-Racist – Series
Thursday, October 15 7:30-8:45 PM - Co-facilitated by Ellie Grosso
An ongoing, monthly conversation and call to action.
Have you ever been in a situation where a person said something bigoted or racist and you wanted to respond but instead felt paralyzed and at a loss for words? Of course, we all have!
We will look at six steps to speaking up against everyday bigotry and begin practicing so that when it happens again-we’ll be ready!
One of the most important things a white ally can do is to speak up when there are no people of color around. And courage is contagious! When just one person speaks up-that person gives courage to others to do the same.
We can all learn how to speak up when it matters. Individual actions equal collective impact!! Click HERE for flyer. Click HERE to register.

Come join us on Saturday, October 17 (Rain date Saturday, October 24) as we clean up and prepare our Japanese Meditation Garden for the winter.
After some weeding, we'll put down mulch in the garden, and wood chips on the path. Some tools will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own, including gloves.

We'll start around 9:15 AM, and we'll finish up around 4:00 PM. Folks can feel free to leave earlier if they want. We'll order pizza and/or sandwiches for lunch, and there will be plenty of bottled water available.

Masks and social distancing required. To sign up contact John McWeeney.
Did you see the message our Capital Campaign Committee sent out Friday afternoon?

Sometimes computers think they recognize emails such as these as "promotions" or sales announcements, and you may have missed it. If so, not to worry, here it is - some good photos, too!  https://conta.cc/33LXdm0
Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM via ZOOM Buddhist Practice Group Nina Nagy Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.

Tuesdays, 6-7 PM. Living Progressive Values in a Polarized Election Season ZOOM HERE Rev. John

Wednesdays 7-8:15 PM. The Power of Now Jim Francek

Wednesday PMs. Times vary. UU the Vote ZOOM HERE Beth Cliff Janet Luongo

Wednesdays 7-9 PM Is Mysticism Where Science and Religion Meet? Bart Stuck

Thursdays, 4-5 PM Talking Circles. ZOOM HEREJim Francek

Fridays 12-1 PM Awakenings ZOOM HERE David Vita

Sundays 10:00-10:45. Meditation Janet Luongo

1st Saturday and 3rd Wednesday of the month 9:30 AM. TUCW Hiking Group Gian [email protected] or Jamie [email protected]
Our complete calendar is always on our website. Click HERE for quick access.
All women welcome at all events; visit our website for complete info.
ZOOM Information for All TUCWomen Gatherings: Meeting room: HERE ID: 457 957 6089
Password: xxxxxxxxx. Landline: xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Tapping Circles Every Monday in the month of October - 7:00– 8:30 PM

  • Sacred Circles with Grandmother Nancy continues online. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month: Oct 13, 27. 7:30-9PM

  • Potlucks are back! Join us: Friday, October 16, 7:00 PM Contact Eileen Belmont
Sunday service: October 18, inspired by
 TUCWomen’s focus on Black Lives Matter.
Picket Fences Around Gilded Cages: A Panel of Mothers

Ellie Grosso, Shanonda Nelson, Lisa Brown and Kristin Trost will share their stores in response to the question: What does America want for their Black children? These are mothers who have to think about raising their Black children with considerations other parents may never need to think about. Pat Francek, moderator.
If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or email [email protected].
Our support network is available to provide tangible help for friends in need: meal delivery, pharmacy runs, grocery shopping, a regular phone call of connection. Contact a minister or coordinators Mary Jane Cross or Beth Cliff.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues. Please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing [email protected]
Find us on digital and social media: website: uuwestport.org, Facebook public page (Unitarian Church in Westport) private group (uuwestport), and Instagram (uuwestportct).
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
 WE INSPIRE and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
 WE ACT in the service of peace and justice.