“Picket Fences Around Gilded Cages” –
Moderator: Pat Francek
The American Dream elicits visions of picket fences and lovely homes. What is it like to live the American dream as a Mother raising her Black child?

Hear our panel of four mothers, Ellie Grosso, Lisa Brown, Kristin Trost, Shanonda Nelson who allow us a look into their homes as they describe what America is telling them about what it wants for their Black children.

• Prior to the October 18th service you are encouraged to watch TED talk by Mwende Katwiwa.
Read a piece from a Black mother, Michele Norris, from the Washington Post Norris Editorial.

Worship Associates: 9:00 Kim Warman - 11:00 Cheryl Dixon Paul

ORDER OF SERVICE - Click HERE for 9:00 AM and HERE for 11:00 AM.

Offering gratefully received at vop.tucw.org.

FOR 11:00 AM Service the ZOOM ROOM is the same as always:HERE.
Meeting ID xxxxxxxxx PASSWORD: xxxxxxxxxxx Landlinexxxxxxxxxxx
Service also airing on our Facebook page.

We continue to pilot different capabilities of livestreaming the 9 AM service. Feedback? Beth Cliff. ZOOM HERE ID: xxxxxxxxxx Passcode: xxxxxxxxxx