Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Making a Difference
Our Members. Our Community. Our Region.
Singing Beach, Manchester-by-the-Sea | Doug Peabody - Instagram (March 2022)
Annual Low Number Cape Ann License Plate Auction Recap

Thank you to all of you who bid on our remaining Cape Ann License Plate Auction. We sold 11 plates, as low as #7 and as high as #100, all while raising over $17,000 for the community!

Did you miss your chance to support the Foundation? You can still make a difference by making a donation on their website. Learn more by visiting https://lovecapeann.com/about-the-foundation/
Winter Birding Speaker Series 
Spirit Ducks and Dive-Doppers: Birds in Cape Ann History and Culture
Saturday, April 2 | 9 AM - 12 PM
Join author and professor John Nelson in a guided tour and presentation that will explore birding locations around Cape Ann and some of the Cape's distinctive birds as they appear in the works of writers and artists like Captain John Smith, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Fitz Henry Lane, Winslow Homer, T.S. Eliot, and Ann Sexton.

9:00 AM: Guided Gloucester Shoreline Tour (self transportation required). Meet at the end of the State Fish Pier.
11:00 AM: Presentation at Blue Shutters Beachside Inn. Food, beverages available.
Business After Hours
Wednesday, April 6 | 5 - 7 PM
143 High Street, Ipswich

The Chamber and BankGloucester Ipswich Branch invite you join them for our Business After Hours Event! Stay for the whole two hours or just stop by for a quick visit.

Business After Hours events are a great way to meet your fellow chamber members and learn about their businesses. Guests are always welcome so please feel free to bring non-Chamber members to show them what the Greater Cape Ann Chamber is all about!
Coffee & Connections
Virtual Networking Event
Thursday, April 7 | 9 - 10 AM

Occurring on the first Thursday of the month at 9AM, the Greater Cape Ann Chamber hosts Coffee & Connections, a virtual networking event! We will continue holding these via zoom so that anyone may join us from anywhere. Meet new people, expand your business connections and stay in touch with friends and colleagues.
Businesswomen's Mixer
Thursday, April 7 | 5 - 7 PM
The Crow's Nest
344 Main Street, Gloucester

Join the women of the Chamber for a fun evening of networking and cocktails at the Crow's Nest in Gloucester!

Organized in 1986, the Businesswomen's group is committed to the growth of greater Cape Ann business and the professional development of the Chamber’s female members.

$20 for non-members | $10 for members
Winter Birding Speaker Series 
Four Seasons of Birding
Saturday, April 30 | 8 AM
Emerson Inn, Rockport
Every season has great birds in Rockport. We will begin the day with a tour a Halibut Point State Park to see what birds are there. It is not unusual to see over two dozen species in an hour's walk.

We will return to the Emerson Inn for a presentation where we will focus on the change of seasons, from the wonderful winter birds on the ocean, to the spring migrants coming to refuel for their trip farther north or to stay and nest.
Save the Date!
The First Annual Wellfest
A Greater Cape Ann Community
Wellness Fair
Sunday, May 15 | 11 AM - 2 PM
Glen T. MacLeod Cape Ann YMCA

This event will showcase the Cape Ann region's broad range of health and wellness services. From yoga and massage to general health screenings and resources, this event will provide something for people of all ages! The event will also include a Blood Drive with the Red Cross.

Thank you to our sponsors: Addison Gilbert Hospital, Beauport Hearing Care
33rd Cape Ann Chamber Education and Scholarship Golf Tournament
Bass Rocks Golf Club
Monday, May 23 | 1 PM Shotgun Start
The net proceeds of this event fund the Chamber’s extensive work with the greater Cape Ann high schools and Essex Tech and education non-profits. The programming includes: monthly collaboration with all schools and education non-profits, DECA support, intern and mentorships, annual Cape Ann Career & Collage Fair and several scholarships.  In addition to the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce Scholarship, the Chamber awards four scholarships named in honor of past leaders: Mike Costello, Sylvester (Red) Deering, Rudy Macchi, and Patricia Roy D’Alelio.
Gloucester Meetinghouse Audience Raises Over $4,500 for Ukraine Relief

An audience that applauded the return of live concerts to the Gloucester Meetinghouse on Sunday also brought compassion as they
gave more than $4,500 to support war relief efforts in the Ukraine by the International Rescue Committee.

The large response for Ukrainian war relief through a free-will offering surprised Meetinghouse Foundation president Charles Nazarian. “We were greatly encouraged by this outpouring,” he said. “It far exceeded all our expectations, showing the concern and great generosity of our community concerning the struggle for freedom in Ukraine.”
Beauport Hotel Collaboration Supports World Central Kitchen for Ukraine Relief

In collaboration with Mariposa, Colby Davis of Boston, Rustic Marlin, Seventh Avenue Apothecary, Gap Promotion, & Tuck’s Candy - Beauport Hotel is offering special gift bags for purchase, with proceeds to be donated to Ukraine relief outlets. With a minimum $50 donation, you will receive a gift bag filled with special Beauport Boutique supplier merchandise valued at $150, as well as a raffle entry (while supplies last).

Stop by Beauport Boutique to donate. All donations will go to World Central Kitchen, which provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises.
Empty Bowl To Go 2.0
The Open Door
Ticket Sales begin April 1

Join The Open Door by supporting the Empty Bowl TO GO II, a fun-filled tradition that brings together the community, our partners, and local artists so that no one's bowl is left empty in 2022! Appointments will be required and available to be scheduled once pay-what-you-can ticket sales go live on April 1 at FOODPANTRY.org. Drive-thru event occurs on May 7, 2022 from 4-6 p.m.
Teach to Reach Grant Application

Gloucester Police Department's Community Impact Unit is proud to partner with Beverly and Addison Gilbert Hospital and The Yearley Foundation to offer Teach to Reach. Teach to Reach is a community opportunity for receiving the Massachusetts CARC approved Recovery Coach Academy Part 1 and 2 through the Gloucester Community Impact Unit. Trainees will receive the full 60-hour educational requirement in order to work as a recovery coach.
The Last Resort - CLOSING SALE
Visit before April 25
Open Thurs - Sun 11 AM - 5 PM

"It is very bittersweet to write this, but after 18 wonderful years of fulfilling my dream of owning a little boutique in this beautiful corner of the world we call Rockport, it is time to hang up my hat and enjoy the summer days with my family. THANK YOU to everyone who has come back year after year and shopped in our store. It has been a big part of my and my family’s life, with a lot of great memories. We will miss you all but hope you are able to stop in over the next few weeks to say goodbye." Denise Attwood 
Donate to the Art for Equity Book Fund 

For the second year, Art for Equity is raising money to purchase books by POC and queer authors for classrooms across the Gloucester Public School District! We’ve done tons of research and worked with faculty to choose titles - now we need your help to get them to students!
Gloucester Rotary Polar Plunge for Polio Eradication
Cape Ann Motor Inn
Saturday, April 2 | 10:30 AM - 12 PM
The Polar Plunge to Eradicate Polio event is part of Rotary International’s ongoing campaign to eradicate Polio in our lifetime. Dozens of Rotarians, Interact students (formerly known as Junior Rotarians), and friends of Rotary from throughout eastern Massachusetts are expected to plunge into the cold waters off Cape Ann. Since 2010, thousands of individuals and businesses have supported this event, and almost one million dollars has been raised for #EndPolioNow.
Rockport Art Association & Museum’s Experimental Group Exhibition
“Unexpected No. Seventeen”
Jane Deering Gallery
19 Pleasant Street, Gloucester
April 2 - 30

Works on view in the exhibition range in medium to include paintings, mixed-media, graphics, sculpture, digital art and photography. The exhibition runs from April 2 through April 30. Gallery hours are Friday and Saturday 1 to 5 PM and Sunday 1 to 4 PM or by appointment at 978.886.4582.
Ipswich Geological Walking Tour
Ipswich Museum
54 South Main Street, Ipswich
Sunday, April 3 | 2 - 3 PM
$10 for members/ $15 non-members

There are two continents and an ancient ocean within a 1/4 mile of the Ipswich Museum. Join Scott Jewel on a walk around town and learn the hidden history beneath your feet.
Rockport Music Presents: Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
Shalin Liu Performance Center
Sunday, April 3 | 3 - 5 PM

Ani Kavafian & Stella Chen, violin | Paul Neubauer & Hsin-Yun Huang, viola | Mihai Marica and David Requiro, cello.

The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center (CMS) is known for the extraordinary quality of its performances, its inspired programming, and for setting the benchmark for chamber music worldwide.
Alcohol and Your Liver Webinar
Presented by NeedyMeds
Tuesday, April 5 | 1:30 - 2:30 PM

Drinking too much alcohol, either on a single occasion – known as binge drinking – or drinking a lot over time, can take a serious toll on your health and cause temporary or permanent liver disease. This webinar will help you understand why a healthy liver is important to overall good health and how you can avoid alcohol-related liver disease.
Mental Health & Wellness Community Event, Gloucester High School
Tuesday, April 5 | 5:30 PM

Featuring Kevin Hines: Suicide Survivor, Filmmaker, and Activist.
Parents and Children 14+ cordially invited
5:30 PM: Youth Mental Health Resource Fair
6:30 PM: Kevin Hines Presentation

Sponsored by Gloucester Public Schools and Gloucester Health Department
Panel: Social Justice During An Ongoing Pandemic - Resources, Equity, and Agency
Backyard Growers
103R Maplewood Ave, Gloucester
Friday, April 8 | 11 AM - 12:15 PM
$30 per person

Leaders of nonprofit organizations in Gloucester will reflect on how the pandemic continues to affect their work to create social change. Panelists will be joined by Suffolk University Global & Cultural Communications Students.

Lunch and conversation with Seham Awad, local cook and Syrian refugee, immediately following panel discussion.
Ticket price includes the panel discussion and buffet lunch
Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer's
Sawyer Free Library
Saturday, April 9 | 2 - 3 PM

Alzheimer's and other dementias cause memory, thinking, and behavior changes that interfere with daily living. Learn about common warning signs of Alzheimer's and what symptoms to look for in yourself and others, as well as tips for approaching someone who is experiencing changes in their memory, the benefit of early detection and diagnosis, and more.
Amazing Race
Project Adventure
719 Cabot Road, Beverly
Saturday, April 30 | 8 AM - 3:30 PM

In an effort to bridge relationships between youth and law enforcement, Project Adventure is excited to present its first annual Amazing Race -
a teambuilding competition designed to take law enforcement and youth teams through a series of low and high challenge course activities. Members of the various Greater Cape Ann police departments are participating. Children and teens from Grade 6 to 12 are invited to participate.

Sponsorships also are available.
Cape Ann Ongoing Events

Book a Virtual Tour, get One Hour of Free Post-Production ($100 Value)

Are you a boutique, an art gallery, an event venue or are you just looking to take your business's virtual accessibility to the next level? Virtual Tours aren't just for real estate! As a Greater Cape Ann Chamber member, book a virtual tour with VRtical Media and get an hour of post-production ($100 value) towards your first virtual tour.
Misselwood Events Corporate Outing Special

Sign your contract between March 1 and May 31 and receive special rates on entertainment, photography, and photo booths for your next corporate outing. Misselwood has reached out to two of our vendors and they have agreed to give our clients special rates on a variety of services to enhance your event. PLUS all corporate outings that book a hosted open bar will receive the option to have a featured cocktail for one hour during the event at no additional charge.
Local Sales, Discounts & Promotions
Posting a Shop Our Member deal is a great way to gain exposure for your business by highlighting your special promotions. Take advantage of this FREE member benefit and list yours today by logging into your account!

*Contact Sam at sam@capeannchamber.com if you need assistance
HireNow Grant Program Announced 

Governor Baker announced a new grant program for Massachusetts businesses that hire and retain new workers. The grant is a flat rate of $4,000 per new hire, up to $400,000 per business (100 workers). This grant program runs from March 23, 2022, until December 31, 2022, or until the funding runs out. We urge interested employers to learn the full rules of the program and how to apply.
4th Annual Women's Empowerment Summit
Free Online Event
Thursday, March 31 | 9:30 - 11 AM EDT

Broward College’s Office of Supplier Relations & Diversity, Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council and Jackson Health System are co-hosting this year’s Women’s Empowerment Summit. This year’s theme “Strength of the Woman Behind the Mask” will reveal the hidden strengths of successful women. Learn about effective strategies vital to building prosperous businesses and careers.
COVID-19 Business Impact Survey:
Phase 2 *

Small businesses across the Commonwealth have been severely impacted by COVID-19. The North Shore Region has been particularly impacted because small businesses dominate the entire region. In fact, when it comes to the North Shore businesses, at least 84% rely on fewer than 20 employees and 37% have 4 or less employees. This second phase of the COVID-19 Business Impact Survey is needed to continue to provide relevant information to policymakers, businesses, and others who are making decisions that also impact our region. If you own or lead a North Shore business or non-profit, please help our efforts by completing our COVID-19 Business Impact Survey - Phase 2.
Upskilling “Road Shows”

The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, MassHire Career Centers and Workforce Boards, and the Commonwealth Corporation are joining forces to present a series of workforce and upskilling “road shows” this spring. These regional events will seek to provide important information on how employers can access state resources, as well as serve as an opportunity for the business community to engage with state workforce officials.
Event details are still in the works. We have been asked to share this information with Chamber members and all employers in the Greater Cape Ann region. If you are interested in attending a session in our region, please fill out this brief form.
How to Sell Without Selling - How to Customize Digital Tools (2-part Series)
Wednesday, March 30 | 12 PM

Hate the thought of selling? Many small business owners don’t, but your ability to stay in motion depends on it. Here is a workshop that will help you utilize digital storytelling to develop awareness around your product and services.
LEAP for Education’s Summer Internship 

LEAP is now recruiting employers and
community members! Be a “Career Mentor” and virtually advise a youth/young adult summer intern in a six-week project-based remote learning experience.
The Alliance Policy Series presents "A Conversation with  Secretary Mike Kennealy" 
Hawthorne Hotel, Salem, MA 
Wednesday, April 13 | 8 - 9 AM

Secretary Kennealy, Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development . will provide an update of the Housing and Economic Development Priorities of the Baker-Polito Administration. The event of free of charge but registration is required to attend.
Sponsored by the North Shore Alliance for Economic Development.
Position Available at Works by Jesse DeBenedictis" Administrative Asst.
Discover Gloucester Seeks an Executive Director
Line Cooks Wanted at Happy Humpback Cafe
Marine Retail Store and Parts Manager needed at Cape Ann Marine Sales & Service
Caregivers: Home Health Aides sought by Connected Home Care
We extend a big thank you to our supporting sponsors.

If you are interested in promoting with the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce and sponsoring this newsletter, please contact Ken Riehl at ken@capeannchamber.com
Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce capeannchamber.com