In This Issue


Membership Benefits

New Executive Director

Get Away Packages

Photos Needed

Quick Links


Ryan Friez President
Thunder Road, Sioux Falls

Kris Frerk  Vice President
Garretson Commercial Club

Dennis Nelsen Past President
City of Elk Point

Katie Knutson Secretary/Tres
Mitchell CVB

Cindy Gregg at large
Prehistoric Indian Village,

Tim Peterson at large
Broken Willow Lodge, Springfield

Patricia Bornhoffen
National Music Museum, Vermillion

Nicole Bruning
Great Plains Zoo, Sioux Falls

Adam Nelsen
Siouxland Heritage Museums, Sioux Falls

Dave Greenlee
Tuckers Walk Winery,

Holly McCann
Cogan House, Tabor

Kimberly Burg
City of Mitchell

Eric Hortness
Madison Chamber

Jacquie Fuks, Exec Director
Cindy Mason, Design Specialist
Casey Tow, Member Services
Vanessa Barkl, Social Media

Check out the benefits you get with your annual membership... Invite a business friend to join.

We grow together to make the region stronger.
Spring comes to Southeast South Dakota 

SSDTA New Director

Happy Spring! FINALLY!
As I write this, I am completing the second week on the job as your new executive director and I couldn't be happier. Old colleagues and friends have welcomed me warmly across the region and state, and my 30 years of experience in South Dakota's tourism industry makes this transition from fundraising for Mount Rushmore to promoting the Southeast region much easier and faster.
Having grown up literally a few miles from our southeastern-most tip in the rural Siouxland area, moving to Yankton is like coming home. I spent a lot of time enjoying what the Southeast had to offer in my youth, and plan to attend as many events as possible in the future.
I look forward to meeting you in person, but until then, know that when I was the board president of SSDTA in 2001-2002, I formed a philosophy that I use to this day, and that is, "Keep it Simple; Make it Fun; and Do it Right."
I believe that sticking to those principles will help us all. Because SSDTA isn't just a logo or faceless nonprofit organization, it is all of us...the staff, volunteers and members. SSDTA has a strong foundation, thanks to my predecessor, Jacquie, and the many volunteers and dedicated individuals whom have and are currently serving on the board of directors.
We all will grow and continue to be successful as we find new ways to promote the simple and wonderful quality of life we ourselves enjoy to our visitors. 
And so, in closing, if I could ask one simple thing as I learn the ropes, it would be this: "If you see something, say something." That means, if you notice a new or existing business in your immediate neighborhood that would benefit from being a member, say something to them, or contact me any time to let me know of any potential members that may be out there whom could benefit from being part of our Southeast family.
Thank you for allowing me to serve SSDTA, see you soon!
Gary Keller (aka "the new Jacquie!")
Executive Director
Southeast South Dakota Tourism Association
1101 Broadway, Suite 113
Yankton, SD  57078

Spring Get-Away Packages FREE
Partner with restaurant, lodging, attraction or event to create a Get-Away Package for Spring or one that's good year round. Submit it to the website at: It's that simple. It's FREE and works for you. Lodging partnered with an event or attraction and maybe even a meal or wine. One price, one phone #.
Need help creating your package? Call or email 665-2435 or

Photos & Video Clips Needed
Sunset Photography. Photographer Ready to Take Sunset Pictures on the Beach. Professional Travel Photography Works.
We need YOU to send photos or short video of places our visitors would like to see. Your event, landscapes, etc. We will be using photos on our website and Social Media. Some may even be used in future regional and state publications.
Fun photos or video of your event or attraction is great for us to link in our ENewsletters.
Show off your photography skills and get a mention for your event or attraction. Contact

Submit your Events
We need your events for our online calendar. Submit Events
Events must be a member of SSDTA for inclusion in our events calendars.
We promote regional events through our publications and website but also through our Visitor ENewsletter that goes to 7,000+ emails monthly. Upcoming events are featured each month along with link to our full calendar and website.
We also feature vacation packages and special deals, so be sure to tell us about those.

Saying Goodbye...
The past 20 years I have met and worked with so many amazing people. As I retire I'm looking forward to spending time with my family, doing lots of traveling, fishing and hobbies.
I will miss being involved with Southeast Tourism, but I'm leaving you in great hands. Gary cares about the region and members. He will be fantastic for the region. As I go off into the sunset (haha), I wish you all the best. I hope to see many of you as a visitor to your unique businesses.    Jacquie