Monthly Update

November 2024

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Dec. 2: CALP Biodiversity Workshop
  • Dec. 3-13: Nutrient Management Workshop 2.0 - Focus on Amendments
  • Dec. 5: Pasture Walk at South River Ranch with Ryan McCarron
  • Dec. 7: Northumberland Sheep Producers AGM & Social

Scroll down to Upcoming Events for more information on any of the above events!

The Sheep Producers Association of Nova Scotia (SPANS) issues a monthly update to members the last Friday of each month. This is comprised of industry news and updates, upcoming events, upcoming sales, and relevant articles.

If you have content to potentially be added, please contact the SPANS office at (902) 893-7455 or

SPANS Website Tool Feature of the Month

Visit the Climate Change Adaptation page now!

Industry News

SPANS Annual General Meeting & 4th Annual Sheep Industry Conference

SPANS 2024 Producer of the Year

SPANS held our Annual General Meeting on November 22nd, in Amherst, NS in conjunction with the 4th Annual Sheep Industry Conference.

Adam Steeves and Jamie Fraser were re-elected as Directors, with terms to expire in 2027. SPANS’ Executive for the coming year will be elected by the Board at their next meeting, but currently consists of Joseph Leck, Chair, Andrew MacLennan, Vice-Chair, and Adam Steeves, Secretary/Treasurer.

Also at the AGM, Margarete Zillig was awarded the 2024 Producer of the Year recipient. Congratulations to Marg for this well-deserved honour, for all her hard work and dedication to the sheep industry! 

Above: Joseph Leck, SPANS Chair, and 2024 Producer of the Year recipient, Margarete Zillig

4th Annual Sheep Industry Conference

The Annual Meeting kicked off the two-day 4th Annual Sheep Industry Conference in Amherst, NS, where producers, stakeholders, government and industry personnel gathered to learn information relating to the conference theme: Flock Health and Nutrition.

This year’s conference featured Dr. Paula Menzies and Dr. Paul Luimes, as the keynote speakers, both of University of Guelph. This sold-out conference included sessions discussing Flock Health Management, Making Your Feed Program Successful and Economic, Developing a Health Management Program, Common Flock Health Issues, and more.

Please stay tuned for the 5th Annual Sheep Industry Conference announcements in the New Year!

Above: Dr. Paul Menzies, University of Guelph, presenting to the sold-out crowd on Flock Health Management at the 4th Annual Sheep Industry Conference.

Above: Katie Trottier, Perennia Food and Agriculture, and Dr. Paul Luimes, University of Guelph, taking questions from attendees during their Sheep Nutrition Panel session at the 4th Annual Sheep Industry Conference.

CFIA Scrapie Surveillance Resources

Farmers and producers: have your sheep and goats tested for Scrapie, a fatal disease that affects their central nervous system. If an animal aged 12 months and older dies on your farm, contact the CFIA.

Local Mycotoxin Testing Available

Mycotoxins in grain are a growing concern for Atlantic Canadian producers. To help give you peace of mind, the Perennia Plant Health Lab offers testing for 6 different mycotoxins for 5 crops.

Mycotoxins tested:

  • DON
  • Aflatoxin
  • Zearalenone
  • T-2
  • Ochratoxin
  • Fumonisin

Testing available for:

  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • High-moisture corn
  • Dry corn
  • Corn silage
Submit a Sample Here

Nova Scotia Farm Sharps - Quick Reference Disposal Guide

Wondering where to dispose of your old Sharps containers? See the below map to find the location nearest you:

Quick Reference Disposal Guide

Climate Adaptation Leadership Program: Farm Highlight Opportunity

How have you adapted to our changing climate?

Big or small, we want to hear about the innovative practises you’ve been implementing.

Apply to have your farm highlighted by the Climate Adaptation Leadership Program team!

Approved producers could receive compensation up to $1,000!

If interested in being featured, please send an email of interest to, including a brief highlight of the issues you faced due to climate change, and how you overcame them!

Carcass Ultrasound Services

The Nova Scotia Cattle Producers proudly offer live animal ultrasound technology services for cattle and sheep in the Maritimes. The NSCP obtained the imaging technology equipment and certified two technicians, Jacy McInnis and Ellen Davis, and are proud to offer the first permanent technicians this side of Quebec!

By having ultrasound services readily available to producers, the hope is that overall carcass traits and expected progeny differences (EPD’s) within the region will be increased. This service will aid in future breeding practices, as results will illustrate the appropriateness of breeding stock, indicating which heritable traits, such as those within feed efficiency and carcass measures, should be improved for optimal production.

For more information click HERE


Northumberlamb offers custom processing. Get pricing details HERE!

Transportation Manifests

As a reminder, the SPANS Livestock Transportation Manifest books of 50 triplicate copies can be picked up from our office for a fee of $10.00.

Sheep Industry Conference - GOLD Sponsors

Upcoming Events

Scavenger Hunt Information Available Here
Register Here

Perennia: Pasture Walk Series

Come out for an insider look into local farm operations and community pastures throughout the province. Beef, sheep, poultry, hog producers and agronomists are encouraged to join! Are you interested in learning more about rotational grazing and improving pasture quality for your grazing livestock? The pasture walk extension topics will include soil health, rotational grazing, early season management, water management, multispecies grazing and more.

Dec. 5, 1-3 PM: South River Ranch with Ryan McCarron

Location: 5161 Dunmore Road, Lower South River, Nova Scotia

Topics Covered: Late season grazing, cover crop grazing and drone seeding cover crops.

Register Here

Sheep Industry Conference - BRONZE Sponsors

Sheep Producer Programs

For a complete listing of all Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture programs, please visit


An all-inclusive information portal is available to help farmers, food processors and agri-food businesses find information on new and existing programs and financial resources to address hardships that many are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website HERE.

Links of Interest

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