2019 Summer and Fall Educational Events
for Congregations of every Size and Shape!
You can register for any--and all--of our classes by clicking here!
Flint River Presbytery
is committed to 
encouraging, empowering and equipping local congregations
so they may vibrant witnesses to the love of God in Jesus Christ
in their communities and in the world!
Navigating the Organizational Labyrinth:
Tools for Pastors and Sessions
offered by Glenn Cobb of All Saints (Columbus)
Friday, July 12 (2-6 pm) and Saturday, July 13 (9 am - 5 pm; lunch included)

 Cost is $40 per person or $20 per session | Location: Presbytery Office

Designed for Pastors only (July 12) and Pastors & Session (July 13)

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, June 26
Go to www.flintriverpresbytery.org for online registration
This class is focused upon strengthening Sessions 
because stronger Sessions enable stronger congregations .  
Learn more by clicking here .

Intergenerational Advent Workshop
offered by the Elmodel women
Saturday, July 20 from 10 am to 3 pm (lunch included)

  Cost is $20 per person | Location: Presbytery Office in Albany

Designed for all ages

Registration deadline is Monday, July 8
Go to www.flintriverpresbytery.org for online registration
Advent in July provides time to both ponder and prepare
long before the push-and-pull of the holiday season begins!
Learn more by clicking here .

Smaller Church Forum
hosted by Presbyterian Foundation
Wednesday, July 24 (12 pm - 2 pm; lunch included)

No cost | Location: Presbytery Office in Albany

Designed for anyone who wants to be sure that their small church
will survive -- a nd thrive -- in the 21st century!

Registration Deadline is July 15
Go to www.flintriverpresbytery.org for online registration
Learn more about the ways in which the Presbyterian Foundation can help your congregation by clicking here .

Step-by-Step Online PR Training
for Congregations
offered by Marilyn Tucker-Marek
Thursday, August 15 from 11 am to 5 pm (lunch included)

Cost is $20 | Location: Northminster Presbyterian Church in Macon

Designed for solo pastors, office administrators, ruling elders and volunteers responsible for creating and sending regular congregational communications

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, July 31
Go to www.flintriverpresbytery.org for online registration
Want to create clear and beautiful digital newsletters
without having to be a technology expert?
This class is for you!
Learn more by clicking here .

Worship for the Wee Kirk:
Worship Planning
with an Emphasis on Music
offered by Tom and Doris Granum of Northminster (Macon)
Friday August 23 (4-7 pm)
and Saturday, August 24 (10 am - 5 pm; lunch included)

Cost is $40 or $20 per session | Location: Presbytery Office in Albany

Designed for pastoral leaders, church musicians, and ruling elders responsible for the planning of worship and music

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, August 7
Go to www.flintriverpresbytery.org for online registration
With particular attention to small congregations who may assume they have limited resources, Doris and Tom Granum will share plans and proven techniques for engaging, meaningful worship with an emphasis on musi c for the coming seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany Sunday.

Both children of this presbytery, Doris and Tom Granum are members of Northminster(Macon).

With a long and fruitful career in public school music, Doris will share how the Americus Dairy Queen motivated her early forays into worship and music leadership. Tom has served a variety of congregations, ranging from a Roman Catholic congregation in a Yupik (Eskimo) village, to a small Jewish temple in Athens, Georgia. Currently working at Mulberry Street UMC, Tom is exuberant about co-directing, with his daughter Meg, the 2021 Montreat Worship and Music Conference.
Faith Formation Across Generation
offered by Vickie Caro Dieth of First (Columbus)
Saturday, September 14 (10 am - 3 pm; lunch included )

Cost is $20 | Location: Presbytery Office in Albany

Designed for any adult who cares deeply about creating space for multi-generational faith formation

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, August 28
Go to www.flintriverpresbytery.org for online registration
Is intergenerational ministry simply a current trend or might it be the very best we have to offer in faith formation?
What does it have to offer our smaller congregations?
Learn more by clicking here .

Global Church IS Small Church
hosted by The Outreach Foundation
Saturday, September 28 (10 am - 3 pm; lunch included)

Cost is $20 or $10 per session | Location: Presbytery Office in Albany

Registration Deadline is Friday, September 13
Go to www.flintriverpresbytery.org for online registration
Good News from Hard Places   (10 am to 12 noon)

Come learn why the Church in difficult places has much to teach us about both the cost of discipleship, as well as its fruits! Marilyn Borst shares first-hand experience behind global headlines as she sheds light upon the work and witness of the Presbyterian Church in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Egypt, as she has visited all of these places in the past year!   She will also show us how congregations of any size can develop and nurture dynamic global relationships as she draws upon her experience in long-term partnerships.

The Church and God’s Mission (1 pm - 3 pm)   

The church at its best has recognized that it is a missionary society and that each person is a member of that society. In this second session, we will look at concrete ways that each person in the small church can participate in God’s mission to the world. Citing two incredible churches that moved forward in mission, Mark will tell the story of one elder and one mission committee and how those churches “got going” with global mission.  Mark will draw upon his extensive global travel as a PC(USA) pastor and help you connect with deep global church relationships. These global relationships have the potential to change the ethos of one’s life as well as revitalize your congregation!

Learn more about our speakers here .

Flint River Presbytery
826 Liberty Expressway SE
Albany, Georgia 31705