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Special Edition: PAGE Ministerial Conference Round-Up
"Tinkering at the margins won't work" - green economy leaders call for urgent action at PAGE Ministerial Conference

Around 40 Ministers, alongside leaders from business, academia and civil society spoke with a unified voice at the
PAGE Ministerial Conference in Berlin last month. Their key message: we need to  scale up our efforts, strengthen cooperation and act quickly to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals. 
There was disagreement, there were innovative ideas, some laughs, stern opposing opinions and a wealth of knowledge debating globalization and sustainability in the 21st century.  So, who said what at the joint GGKP and PAGE High-Level Media Debate?
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Words of wisdom at PAGE Berlin

The PAGE Ministerial Conference on 26-28 March 2017 in Berlin was full of thoughtful discussion, lively debate and innovative solutions for driving the green economy forward to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. These are the insights and words of optimism captured from the policymakers, academics, business leaders and green economy champions at the conference.

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Celebrating sustainable development champions

The PAGE Ministerial Awards celebrated four individuals advancing the sustainability agenda in their own way, from the founder of a women's cooperative protecting mangroves in the Gambia, to a young copywriter using the power of advertising for good.
Held at the PAGE Ministerial Conference in Berlin, the Awards followed two days of intensive discussion on how governments, multilateral organizations, the private sector and civil society can contribute to a greener economy.  
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An exhibition at the PAGE Ministerial Conference in Berlin showcased  innovative approaches, partnerships and business models fostering the transition to green economy, which is already underway among pioneering communities, local banks, small businesses and entrepreneurs.  
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PAGE 2016 Annual Report
PAGE Releases its 2016 Annual Report

2016 has been an important year for PAGE. Achievement highlights include:

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Find out more

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About PAGE

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) seeks to put sustainability at the heart of economic policy and practice.

The Partnership supports nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability to foster economic growth, create income and jobs, reduce poverty and inequality, and strengthen the ecological foundations of their economies.

PAGE is a direct response to the Rio+20 Declaration,  The Future We Want, which called upon the United Nations System and the international community to provide assistance to interested countries in developing, adopting, and implementing green economy policies and strategies.

Bringing together the expertise of five UN agencies - UN Environment, ILO, UNIDO, UNDP, and UNITAR - and working closely with national governments, PAGE offers a comprehensive and coordinated package of technical assistance and capacity building services. 

PAGE represents a mechanism to coordinate UN action on green economy and to assist countries in achieving and monitoring the emerging Sustainable Development Goals. 

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