Special Edition - Northeast DEWS Drought Update

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April 12, 2023

Special Edition

Drought Early Warning Update for the


Spring Dryness Becomes and Issue


The NE DEWS and partners have released this special edition Drought Status Update because of recent spring dryness (fire hazards, low humilities, windy conditions, first signs of streamflow deficits) and the potential for expanding abnormally dry conditions across the region. A full DSU is planned for the 28 of April and may signal a transition to biweekly updates.

The National Weather Service’s Weather Prediction Center (WPC) - Quantitative Precipitation Forecast does not indicate widespread or significant precipitation for the region during the next week. Only scattered lighter rain events (generally less than half an inch) are anticipated. 

The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) 6 - 10 Day Temperature Outlook indicates probabilities for warmer conditions that will enhance dryness.

REPORTED IMPACTS and State Preparedness Activities


Preparing for Drought in Connecticut Webinar

Hosted by the State Water Plan Outreach and Education Subgroup

Recording available from CT - N


April 11, 2023 Maine Government News - Spring Fire Season


April 9, 2023 WCVB TV - Gloucester Brush Fire Impacts About 80 Acres 

April 7. 2023 WCVB TV - Massachusetts Brush Fires Spread To Homes In Some Towns

April 7, 2023 Cape Cod Times - Don’t Get Burned

April 7, 2023 Wickedlocal.com - Red Flags

April 6, 2023 GBH News - Don’t Want To Say The D-Word Yet

New York

April 11, 2023 Department of Environmental Conservation - Small Wildfires Quickly Extinguished in Chautauqua, Putnam, Washington and Columbia Counties

April 9, 2023 WENY TV - Dry Pattern Raises Concerns

April 4, 2023 Department of Environmental Conservation - Prescribed Fire Efforts in Albany and Suffolk Counties

Rhode Island

Drought Monitoring Dashboard

April 7, 2023 WJAR TV - Gusty winds, dry conditions bring brush fires to Rhode Island (msn.com)

Southern New England

April 7, 2023 Boston Globe - High fire danger warning issued across southern New England (msn.com)

KEY RESOURCES for monitoring our spring dryness:

NWS Fire Weather Conditions

Current USGS Stream Flow map


Evapotranspiration (ET)

Average daily potential evapotranspiration (ET) increases rapidly in the Northeast in May and June. With the increased ET, a given amount of rainfall is less effective at replenishing soil moisture and surface reservoirs.

This Drought Early Warning Update is issued in partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to communicate concern for drought expansion and intensification within the Northeast U.S. based on recent conditions and the forecasts and outlooks. NIDIS and its partners will issue future Drought Early Warning Updates as conditions evolve.

This covers the following states in the Northeast U.S.: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York.

Additional Resources

Prepared By


Sylvia Reeves

NOAA/National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)

Samantha Borisoff, Jessica Spaccio, Keith Eggleston, Art DeGaetano

Northeast Regional Climate Center

Ellen Mecray

Regional Climate Services Director, Eastern Region, NOAA

Gardner Bent

USGS/New England Water Science Center

In partnership with National Weather Service Offices of the Northeast and State Climate Offices of the Northeast. 

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