August 10, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Storm Season is Upon Us

The storm season in the United States has begun. The Province will continue to follow the same practice that we have been using for the last couple of years. We will send you an update as necessary for storms that affect the areas where we have communities and ministries. Because the most recent storm seemed to pass over most areas, we did not send out an immediate update. All of our communities/ministries in Puerto Rico, Florida, New Jersey and the Province of Meribah communities and ministries were either not effected or experienced only minimal effects. Cape May lost power for a short period of time, and the participants in the family program had to be sent home due to the lack of power. There were high winds in Philadelphia and a loss of power near our community/ministry. Thank God no loss of power to the community. The Province of Meribah in New York received heavy rain and winds. A tree was knocked down on the Church at St. Martin’s school. Luckily there was no damage to the Church. Please continue to pray for a safe storm season for everyone!

Remember to Communicate

These days of COVID have us separated more than ever. These days also have many of us grounded. We haven’t been able to make our annual retreats as usual, and we haven’t been able to visit family, friends and other Brothers as usual. Please, please remember to call, email or write a friend, family member or Brother. If you are feeling down or lonely, please speak to someone. Counseling and other helpful resources are available. Finally, please remember to pray for one another.
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Virtual Director's Meeting

As a part of its planning meetings in July, the Provincial Council considered the prudence of our customary large gathering of the Directors and Area Coordinators with the Provincial Council currently scheduled to coincide with the profession of Bro. Allen Pacquing’s Perpetual Vows.

Given the very uncertain state of the COVID-19 pandemic generally, and the serious conditions in San Antonio, the Provincial Council decided that the Directors’ Meeting would be moved to a virtual format (1:00–4:00 pm, Friday, October 2, 2020) and we will need to limit the number of in-person guests at the Profession of Vows. We greatly regret that the pandemic has not allowed us to celebrate jubilees, first and perpetual vows, and ordinations in the customary fashion. Once the health emergency has passed, and in consultation with those most directly concerned, we will work to plan appropriate gatherings.

In early September, we will send everyone the arrangements to participate in the live-streaming of Bro. Allen’s vow ceremony. Also, at that time, I will send those who normally attend the Directors’ Meeting, the information needed to participate virtually for the meeting.
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