California's Original Grassroots Gun Lobby 
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The NRA Members' Council
of the
San Gabriel Valley

December 2017

San Gabriel Valley
Members' Council   


Special Guest Speaker  

NRA Meeting Info
Join with other NRA Members in your area! 
We are only asking for a little of your time.
Together, we can make a difference!
Help the NRA
 Spread the Word about our activities in California!
Take a moment and post this message to Internet forums and web sites where gun owners congregate on-line.  And don't forget to click on the "Forward this e-mail to a Friend" button so they can sign up for our  meeting announcements regarding the Inland Empire.

Click here to Join Our Mailing List!
 We will send you meeting notices and important updates, but not too many emails.




Please sign-up for the CALIFORNIA ALERT SYSTEM by using this link and entering your email address.
As is our policy, we will only send something to you when it is important that you receive our information. Also, please don't hesitate to forward this message to your friends. Thank you in advance.
H. Paul Payne
Program Administrator for the NRA Members' Councils of California

Join Our Mailing List 

THIS MONTH'S MEETING    December 12, 2017 at 7PM


The only NRA Members' Council in the San Gabriel Valley.  
 Special Guest Speaker 
Dezarae Payne
Women's Outreach Coordinator
NRA Endowment Member
NRA Certified Instructor
NRA Range Safety Officer
Our special guest speaker this month is a Members' Council volunteer leader who travels throughout the state helping women and girls get involved within the pro-Second Amendment movement and the NRA Members' Councils.  Download flyer here

Her dedication to the NRA is demonstrated by her organizational skills and simple, but effective, methods for assisting us to gain knowledge about all of the things that the NRA has to offer women.  

As the Women's Outreach Coordinator for the NRA Members' Councils of California, Dezarae will help the Members' Council form their own Women's Outreach Committee.

Examples of events hosted by the Women's Outreach Committees: (partial list)        
  • Refuse to be a Victim® Personal Safety Seminar
  • Women on Target® Instructional Shooting Clinic
  • NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course
  • NRA Home Firearms Safety Course
  • Firearms Training Simulator
  • Field Trips - gun stores, firearms manufacturers, accessory manufacturers, etc.
  • Social outings
  • Tables and/or booths at other (non-NRA) events 
Ladies: Join your local Women's Outreach Committee at this meeting 
  • Any level of experience is welcome
  • Make like-minded friends
  • Open to NRA members
  • Have fun with other women
  • ______________________________  
Feel free to forward this meeting notice to any NRA member that you think might be interested in joining us.  
We'll make some time for discussion of various shooting sports, firearms, education and training events, gun shows, and Second Amendment issues, along with any other hot topics on your mind. 

As we always say: What's on your agenda? What do you feel passionately about?   
As part of the longest-running and most effective network of activists focused on fighting for our Second Amendment freedoms at the local level (city, county, & regional areas), the NRA Members' Councils of California are engaged in a coordinated effort organized with the NRA throughout the state 
Freedom is NEVER Free! 
But every resource that we provide to the Members' Councils is FREE to our activist/volunteers.  We would never charge you to fight for the Second Amendment, and we would never expect you to pay.    
All we ask is that you maintain membership in the NRA.
There is so much going on within the Members' Council that we can't include much of it in this message.  Don't you think it is time for you to attend a meeting and learn what you can do to help us stand-up for our freedoms? 

GET INVOLVED!  Come to the meeting. 

HELP OTHERS GET INVOLVED!  Send this message to other firearms owners.

(You save $5, and your MC gets a five dollar commission.)

Non-NRA members are always welcome to sign up at our meetings.


Help NRA Get Californians Connected with NRA's California Resources
Help the NRA expand its California network to keep all pro-Second Amendment Californians better informed about legislation in Congress, Sacramento, and locally that threatens your right to keep and bear arms, as well as developments in Second Amendment litigation and regulatory enforcement actions. Please forward this email to your family, friends and fellow gun owners, whether they belong to the NRA or not!  Encourage them to sign up for California NRA's Stayed Informed  e-mails here. And follow NRA through these additional connections:
LinkedIn: NRA's LinkedIn page ,

NRA YouTube ,

The NRA recognizes that California is one of the most active Second Amendment "battleground states," so for decades NRA has devoted substantial resources to fighting for the right to keep and bear arms for Californians. The NRA has full-time legislative advocates in its Sacramento office fighting ill-conceived gun ban proposals. NRA coordinates a statewide campaign to fight ill-conceived local gun bans and regulations. And NRA has been litigating cases in California courts to promote the right to self-defense, the right to hunt, and the Second Amendment for many years. NRA's California legal team continues to work pro-actively to strike down ill-conceived gun control laws and ordinances, and to protect the Second Amendment rights of California firearms owners. For information about NRA's litigation efforts, download this  LEGAL AFFAIRS BRIEF distributed by the NRA and CRPA.


The NRA Members' Councils of California are: 
California's ORIGINAL Grassroots Gun Lobby
Our Meeting is Tuesday December 12, 2017
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM:

Hastings Branch Library 
3325 East Orange Grove Blvd. 
Pasadena 91107 
In the southeast corner meeting room.

CLICK HERE for map to meeting
This meeting is FREE to NRA members and invited guests
We are: California's ORIGINAL Grassroots Gun Lobby!

In 1871, the NRA was founded on the principal that individual rights are best safeguarded by the guarantee of the 2nd Amendment. Since that time, the NRA has stood watch over our rights. As in the past, NRA members have defended the rights that we exercise today. The rights that our children will inherit in the future, depend upon the actions of NRA members. The NRA has brought together its active membership with a program called "NRA Members' Councils." More................

We have included some links that we can use to inform ourselves and others about NRA's activities in California:  
We hope these can be of some use to you as you spread the word about the Members' Councils and the NRA's other efforts throughout the state.   
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NRA Members' Council of the San Gabriel Valley


 Freedom is NEVER Free!