
Philadelphia Community Kollel Weekly Update

Shemini Atzeres/
Simchas Torah/
Shabbos Beraishis 5778
In This Issue
Sukkos 5778 at the Kollel
Kollel Bein Hazemanim
Sukkos in 60 Minutes
Mazel Tov To:

Menachem and Abby Lazar on the birth and bris of their  son!

Sam and Daniella Weprin
on the birth and bris of their son. A special mazel tov to the proud grandparents, Lenny and Beth Ginsburg

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News and Events
The Kollel Rabbis and Staff Wish You Joyous and Uplifting Sukkos!
Hoshana Rabbah, 2nd Days of Sukkos, and  Shabbos Beraishis 5778 at the Kollel
Hoshana Rabba (Wed., Oct 11)
(Hoshanos will be available for purchase for a nominal fee)
6:35 a.m.: Shacharis
9:21/ 9:57 a.m.: Sof Zman Krias Shema
6:10 p.m.: Mincha
6:09 p.m.: Candle Lighting
*Don't forget an Eruv Tavshilin
6:27 p.m.: Shkiya
6:50 p.m.: Maariv

Shemini Atzeres (Thurs., Oct 12):
8:15 a.m.: Shachris
9:21/ 9:57 a.m.: Sof Zman Krias Shema
6:05 p.m.: Mincha
Candle Lighting After Tzeis
6:25 p.m.: Shkiya
7:10 p.m.: Maariv followed by Hakafos
7:37 p.m.: 72 Minutes
Simchas Torah (Erev Shabbos, Oct. 13):
8:00 a.m.: 
9:22/ 9:58 a.m.: Sof Zman Krias Shema
6:05 p.m.: Mincha
6:06 p.m.:
Candle Lighting
6:24 p.m.: Shkiya
Maariv To Follow After Mincha

Shabbos Beraishis (Oct. 14):
8:15 a.m.: Shachris
9:22/ 9:58 a.m.: Sof Zman Krias Shema
5:25 p.m.: Mincha
6:22 p.m.: Shkiya
7:34 p.m.:  72 Minutes

For a printable version of the Kollel's Sukkos Zemanim, please click on the link below.
Kollel Bein Hazemanim Intersession
October 1st-October 22nd

The Kollel Sukkos Bein Hazmanim

 (Intersession) continues until Sunday, October 22nd. The following is the Kollel schedule for this time period: 



With the exception of Daf Yomi and Kollel Boker, all chavrusos and shiurim will be in intersession until Sunday, October 22nd.  (Please look out for an e-mail communication at that time to confirm that these shiurim have restarted.)


2.    DAF YOMI:

Daf Yomi WILL continue every week night at 10:10 p.m. here at the Kollel. Yom Tov schedule: TBA



We will continue to hold daily minyanim on our usual schedule with one exception:


Weekday Shacharis will take place

at 8:00 a.m. during the period of:

Monday, October 2nd - Sunday, October 22nd


Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher Vesameach,

Kollel Rebbeim and Staff

Partners in Torah is proud to present a special educational piece prepared by Rabbi Elazar Meisels called "Sukkos in 60 Minutes or Less."

 Arranged in a graphically pleasing format, it's full of information on Sukkos, much of it not found elsewhere.
To see this booklet, click here.