Paving of Osprey Drive and Waterside Way

Monday, June 19 (weather permitting)

June 16 2023

Dear Mark,

Glenmore Community Association received an email notice from Stanley Martin that Osprey Drive and Waterside Way will be paved on Monday, June 19, weather permitting. Paving will be done by SL Willamson and should take about one (1) day


on Waterside Way & Osprey Drive 

From Stanley Martin Homes

(reformatted for clarity)

WHAT: Paving in Glenmore Section K2C (Waterside Way & Osprey Drive

  • Contractors working for Stanley Martin Homes will begin placing the final layer of asphalt.


WHEN: begins Monday June 19.


DURATION: 1+ days (weather permitting)


WHERE: Paving activities will take place in the following areas:

  • Waterside Way
  • ·Osprey Drive


PARKING: Park in your driveway or garage. Avoid parking on the street during this time.



Before paving takes place

  • Park in your garage or driveway – do not park on the street.
  • Move your vehicle off the street and park on your lot.

During paving

  • One lane of roadway should be available at all times for travel.
  • Please follow the direction of the paving crew personnel when traveling in the community. 

After paving

  • You will be able to drive on the asphalt as soon as it has been rolled a few times.
  • f the street is paved when you return home, parking on the paved streets is allowed.



Every effort is being made to keep this project moving quickly and minimize disruptions to daily routines. Stanley Martin is dependent on our paving contractor SL Williamson to achieve these goals. If delays occur for any reason, Stanley Martin is still next in the queue so work will resume as quickly as SL Williamson is able to return to the community.


We appreciate your patience as we work through the necessary steps to finish your community.


Gregg O’Donnell, Stanley Martin Homes


Also please ask your service providers to stay away from your street on Monday. If this is not possible, they may be asked to park away from your street. If this is the case, please remind them to not park on the grass. 

Diana Ferguson, Chair, CARB

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