Boston University School of Public Health's latest news, upcoming events, and announcements.

SPH This Week

January 6, 2019
Upcoming Signature Program
Think. Teach. Do. San Francisco
Jan 9
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
75 Leidesdorff Street, San Francisco, CA
Birth Weight Linked to Breast Cancer Risk in Black Women
African American women with particularly low or high birth weights, or born to older mothers, may be at increased risk of breast cancer.
Dean's Note
The Burden of Substance Misuse
Substance misuse, driven especially by the opioid epidemic, is at the heart of recent declines in US life expectancy. Some thoughts on the ongoing public health challenge of substance use disorder.
PHX Practically Speaking: Understanding the Exposure Disease Pathway
Professor Jennifer Schlezinger explains an essential framework used by professionals to discover and address environmental health problems.
Opioid Treatment Hampered by Beliefs Not Grounded in Science
Patients face unnecessary barriers to medication treatment due to government regulations and providers’ beliefs.
Best Practices for Improving HIV Care for Homeless Populations
American Journal of Public Health supplement features collaboration between Schools of Public Health and Social Work.
Becoming More Sensitive to Pain Increases Risk of Knee Pain Not Going Away
Women, people of color, and those over 65 years old are more likely to have pain sensitization, increasing risk of persistent knee pain from osteoarthritis.
School News
‘So Much of Our Mission Is About Building Circular Relationships’
Second-year MPH student DL Lundberg launches social enterprise and Kickstarter campaign for sustainable fashion venture in Ghana.
Activist Lab
Staff Members Honored at MHOA Conference
Seth Eckhouse and Kathleen MacVarish received award for their work on state housing code training course for public health and housing officials.
Public Health Post
2018 Year in Review
Executive Editor Michael Stein looks back at the best of 2018 and forward to 2019 with the announcement of our new fellows.
Think. Teach. Do.
For the Health of All
In the Media
Nearly Two-Thirds of US Women Use Contraception, CDC Reports — quotes alum Kristyn Brandi.
The Medicare-for-All Paradox — quotes Austin Frakt, associate professor of health law, policy & management.
Boston Globe
Mass. ‘Not Immune’ to Ripple Effect of Health Care Law Ruling — quotes Wendy Mariner, Edward R. Utley Professor of Health Law, Bioethics & Human Rights.
These Holidays, a Reminder That the Health of the Many Depends on the Health of the Few — opinion by Dean Sandro Galea.
Dallas News
It’s Time to Make a Federal Case Out of Dallas’ Homeless Problem — opinion co-authored by Megan Sandel, associate professor of environmental health.
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Looking Ahead
Faculty Breakfast with the Dean
Tuesday, January 8, 10:00 am – 11:00 am, Crosstown 305.
Think. Teach. Do. San Francisco
Wednesday, January 9, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Merchants Exchange Club, 75 Leidesdorff Street, San Francisco, CA.
Staff Breakfast with the Dean
Friday, January 25, 9:30 am – 10:30 am, Founders Room, Talbot 307 Center.
Student Coffee Chat with Dean Galea
Monday, January 28, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm, Founders Room, Talbot 307 Center.
School Assembly for Faculty and Staff
Tuesday, January 29, 8:45 am – 10:50 am, Hiebert Lounge.
PUBLIC HEALTH FORUM—Breaking the Cycle of Homelessness and Poor Health: How Can Public Health Be Part of the Solution?
Wednesday, January 30, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm, Hiebert Lounge.
Faculty Breakfast with the Dean
Friday, February 1, 10:00 am – 11:00 am, Founders Room, Talbot Building.
View full SPH calendar