Dear SPN families,
We are just 3 weeks away from the end of our First Trimester of the 2021-22 school year. Our first 9 weeks of school have exceeded our expectations in COVID safety-- maintaining zero cases or exposures at school-- and a gradual return to normalcy, with a cross country season and plans for more CYO sports throughout the year, morning assemblies that include prayer services, carefully planned field trips, Share & Care services, an All School Mass, and most importantly, in-person instruction with few restrictions.
Here is some more specific information for you regarding our COVID Safety Plan and moving forward. With the rain, we have moved the lunch tables to O’Brien Hall where classes may eat by table with their fellow students when it rains during lunch. There is a lot of room at the tables to allow for social distancing and the windows and doors are open to allow for ample ventilation. Students have 20 minutes to eat their lunches. When not eating in the Hall, classes will be in their classrooms for free time and rainy day games and activities. P.E. classes are also held in O’Brien Hall on rainy days.
As an approved vaccine for children ages 5-11 seems to be fast approaching, perhaps as early as next week, we have applied to be a vaccine clinic location for our school children. Two of our parents, who are also physicians, Dr. Jacques Correveau and Dr. Molly Kyle, have shared information with us regarding this opportunity, and we hope we can offer this convenience for all families seeking to get their children vaccinated. We hope this will occur in November prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. More news to come about this opportunity.
Finally, with another All School Mass (for grades 1-8) coming up December 8th for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, we are informing you all well in advance to ensure that your voice is heard and your comfort level met in terms of having the various grade levels gather in the Church. Depending on the numbers of parents requesting an alternative for their child, we will plan accordingly. Holding Mass outside is not a viable alternative, but using our Chapel for a very small group of students with a supervisor, and/or using the Library in a similar way with a supervisor are two alternatives we can offer. Please think about it, let us know if you have any questions, and if you desire an alternative, we will request it between December 1 and December 3.
Mr. Carter, our COVID Liaison, and I continue to get up-to-date information and guidelines for K-12 schools bi-weekly, and training monthly from the CDC, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE), and the Diocese. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our COVID Safety Plan (CSP) or our school practices, please contact one of us directly to support you. Thank you all for following the Daily Health Screening (DHS) protocol with integrity and consistency: this is the primary way we have been able to mitigate any exposures or cases at school.
SPN's Halloween festivities
Friday, October 29: Students should come to school in their Halloween costumes. Costume masks, with PPE masks underneath, may be worn during the Parade that will begin at 8:15 a.m. The “big school” students will meet the TK and Kindergarten students at Van Buren and Fountain and then proceed around the block from Central to Court to Encinal back to Fountain. We ask that parents who can attend the Parade remember to wear a PPE mask and to please follow our CSP guidelines by staying at the perimeter of the “big yard” near the benches as we do for daily morning assemblies. PTG will offer coffee for visiting parents. Please refer to last week's newsletter for costume guidelines.