“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
~ Matthew 18:1-3
Greetings Saint Philip Neri School families,
This is our last newsletter before Christmas break and the end of 2021. During Advent and the Christmas season, we are reminded to have the heart of a child, and as this quote from Matthew tells us, maintaining a child-like heart will lead us into heaven. The heart of a child is full of wonder and enthusiasm, trust, curiosity and creativity. Consider how as adults we often trade wonder for judgment, enthusiasm for cynicism, trust for fear, curiosity for criticism, and creativity for stagnation. Truly, how much better might our global society be if adults maintained the heart of a child and approached conflicts and differences with gentleness and forgiveness? Or what if adults could model The Prayer of St. Francis in our interactions with others:
O Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
May this Christmas help us all to embrace the heart of a child now and throughout the New Year. Blessings to you now and always.
Julie Thomas
Interim Principal
Thank you SPN! Adopt a Family donations were collected and delivered today! On behalf of the families, individuals, and organizations who received those donations, a heartfelt thank you to you all for your generosity and willingness to share with others.
Shelter in Place Drill: As part of our ongoing Emergency Safety program, we conduct Emergency Drills at least one time per month. This morning we had a Shelter in Place Drill to practice the best response in several emergency situations that might occur at school. Preschool through 8th grade practiced this drill and will be prepared should we ever have to use it for an actual emergency.
Traffic Safety: The Student Parent Handbook specifically outlines appropriate drop off and pick up procedures in order to maintain a safe environment for all. Please remember and follow these practices at all times:
- Use crosswalks for pedestrian safety (i.e. do NOT park in crosswalks, do NOT jaywalk)
- Pull up to the curb to drop off and pick up students (i.e. do NOT double park)
- Respect our neighbors (i.e. do NOT pull into driveways, not partially, not for one minute)
Chipotle Dine and Donate Tomorrow: Eat and support SPN tomorrow from 4:00-8:00p.m. See flyer below for instructions. The SPN online ordering promo code is:CXQ9CXR
SLC Spirit Days - Tomorrow and Friday: Get cozy and wear pajamas to show your Spartan spirit tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec. 15th! Follow free dress guidelines. No slippers please. On Friday, it's red, white and green free dress!
Christmas Concert Video: We will be sending out a recording of the Christmas Concert on Thursday, Dec. 16th, for your viewing pleasure!
Athletics Volunteers Needed: SPN has two more hosting dates at APG and needs volunteers. Please follow these links to sign up: January 22nd , February 5th
8th Grade Pasta Dinner 12/17: See flyer below for menu and pricing.
Traveling for the holidays? Here is Holiday Travel Guidance provided by the Alameda County Office of Education.
SPN COVID Check-up: There have been no new exposures or cases at SPN. As we return to school in January after the break, please remember to continue the Daily Health Screenings and notify the Office of any COVID symptoms that are keeping your child at home so we can guide their safe return to school and maintain our health and safety as a community. Thank you.
Christmas Break: Christmas vacation runs December 18th - January 3rd. This Friday, December 17th is a noon dismissal and there is NO Share and Care. Enjoy your holidays and see you on the 4th!
Thank you, PTG, for hosting Santa at SPN on Saturday!
Here are some of the over 45 students who got to visit with him.
3rd +4th combo team get their 1st win: 22-0! Congratulations!
Kindergarten gets crafty for the holidays.
Below: Posters for convalescent homes...
...and decorative "foraged" ornaments.
Ms. Thomas visits with SPN preschoolers.
SPN fundraiser opportunities
SPN PTG Chipotle Dine and Donate, Wednesday, December 15th 4-8pm:
The SPN online ordering promo code is: CXQ9CXR
December 2021
Dec 14 - Free dress for December bdays
Dec 15 - Dine and Donate at Chipotle
Dec 15 - Spirit Day - Pajama Day
Dec 16 - Christmas Concert (Video)
Dec 17 - Green, Red, White Day
Dec 17 - Noon dismissal, NO SHARE & CARE
Dec 18 - Jan 2 - Christmas Break
Jan 3 - NO SCHOOL - Staff work day
Jan 4 - First day of school in 2022
Did you know SPN is all over social media?!
Follow us on
Twitter: @SPN_Alameda
Instagram: spnalameda