During Catholic Schools Week, SPN held our annual middle school science fair. Winners were announced during assembly, but we wanted to take time to recognize school and Diocesan awardees in the newsletter as well. O'Brien Hall will be open this Friday, February 25th from 3pm - 4pm for viewing.
SPN Science Fair Winners
6th Grade
1st Place - Kurt Liu - How does launch angle affect 3 point shooting?
2nd Place - Kaleb Condez - Effectiveness of Hand Sanitizers
3rd Place - Ava Bright - Investigating Hand Sanitizers and Dry Skin
4th Place - Kayla Luong - Effectiveness of Moisturizers
5th Place - Conrad Spaudie - How does temperature affect the growth of mung beans?
6th Place - Ronan Sturlini - How do different surfaces affect bounce height?
7th Grade
1st Place - Tej Panchal - Structural Engineering and Earthquakes
2nd Place - Annabelle Holmes and Kiana Jennings - How does flame color affect heat?
3rd Place - Hannah Niu - Ocean Chemistry and Dissolving Shells
4th Place - Dahlia Anderson - Inheritance of Traits
5th Place - Declan McGinty - Springs as an Earthquake Solution
6th Place - Giana Henneman & Brandon De Leon - Investigating Plant Growth
8th Grade
1st Place - Blair Lancaster - Doppler Effect
2nd Place - Tiburon Horvath & Mihir Manghani - Extracting Fats from Foods
3rd Place - Kylee Lau and Katie Luong - Revolutionizing Women's Health
4th Place - Zora Oliverius - Flower Chromatography
5th Place - Sean Cook - Testing Nerf Dart Modifications
6th Place - Ben Hillenbrand - How does pH affect voltage?
The top 3 projects in 7th and 8th grade went on to the Diocese of Oakland Kristina Taylor Science Fair at SJND. Their results were:
7th Grade
Hannah Niu - Grand Finalist - 2nd Place - Environmental Sciences
Tej Panchal - 2nd Place - Technology, Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences
Annabelle Holmes & Kiana Jennings - 2nd Place - Physical Sciences
8th Grade
Blair Lancaster - 3rd Place -Technology, Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences
Tiburon Horvath and Mihir Manghani - 3rd Place - Biological Sciences
Kylee Lau & Katie Luong - 3rd Place - Physical Sciences