This coming Saturday is First Holy Communion for many of our Second graders. The students and their families have been preparing all year to receive this very special Sacrament. They participated in a short retreat this past Saturday, will have a rehearsal this Thursday evening (6:30 p.m.), and will celebrate this rite of passage in the Church on Saturday morning. Congratulations to all of our First Communicants, and many thanks to their teacher, Catherine Suer, for helping to prepare them to welcome Jesus into their hearts and lives more fully.
Next Tuesday, May 10th is the SPN FUN RUN! This really is a fun event for our students, who are hopefully finding many friends and family members who are willing to pledge their support! See details below.
Next Thursday, May 12, from 5:30pm to 8pm is the Celebration of the Arts, “Open House,” and Spring Concert. A separate email devoted to information on the Spring Concert will be sent to you later today. Details on dress code and timing will be provided by our music teacher, Mr. Quinones, in that communication.
Celebration of the Arts (5:30-6:30p.m.) is an exhibit of artwork that our Art Docents have facilitated with our students this year. Student artwork will be displayed both in the classrooms and in O'Brien Hall. Our Open House will coincide with the art viewing, with classrooms and the hall being open to families from 5:30-6:30 p.m. We are thrilled to be inviting our families to visit the classrooms for the first time in two years! We are also excited to bring back the all-school art project and fundraiser - the class art greeting cards sale! Cards will be available for purchase in O'Brien Hall ($5 each) during the Open House and for 30 minutes after the concert. If you are interested in pre-purchasing your student's card, please contact the office.
Students will be asked to be in their classrooms by 6:30pm, and the Spring Concert will follow from 7:00-8:00 p.m., in the Church. This year’s theme, “A Song for Peace,” is our prayer for peace in our world, especially emphasizing peace in the Ukraine. Our Student Leadership Council is asking for monetary donations for Ukraine Relief after the concert: all proceeds will go to the Red Cross for Ukraine Relief. Please join us for this very special community event.
We are thrilled to announce the newly established Barbara A. Harris Fund for Arts Education at St. Philip Neri Catholic School. This fund is designed to support art programs at our school, and was created in honor of an SPN grandmother and passionate arts educator. Thank you for transforming that passion into a living legacy!
And finally, “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.” - St. Therese of Lisieux. This Wednesday, May 4, at 9:15 a.m., you may join us to celebrate an All School Mass for May Crowning, a Catholic tradition of crowning Mary the Mother of the Catholic Church. May is the Month of Mary in the Church, coinciding perfectly with Mother’s Day, this Sunday. To all of the mothers in our community, all of those who “mother” us, and all of our mothers in Heaven, Happy Mothers’ Day.
Julie Thomas
NOTE: TRAFFIC SAFETY. Parents, please inform family and friends that our drop off and pick up procedures focus on the safety of our students. Red curbs are NOT convenient parking spots, not even momentarily. Double parking is prohibited. During drop off and pick up please pull into and out of parking spaces before and after school. Thank you for your cooperation.