

Hello and Welcome to SPOT TV! Watch from your car or computer!

We are so excited to be able to offer this for families. The official start date is Monday June 19. There are a few steps you need to take before you start watching.

1 Go to

2 Click “My Account”

3 Create Account

4 Click Parent

5 Enter the center’s name as 24/7 Dance Studio (once you start typing, it will come up.)

6 Put in your personal information.

7 Put child’s name in and click on the class you want access to.

8 Create a username and password

It will take 1-2 days to approve your account. We verify that your child is in the class you are requesting access to.

If there are ever troubleshooting issues, you would contact SPOTTV directly at 1-877-722-6358.

If you are a current Spot TV user, you will need to select your new class for summer. We will approve your choices once we verify your child is in that class.

I am attaching some information about SPOTTV below.

We hope you enjoy!

The 24/7 Team

Spot TV Enrollment Brochure
Spot TV Security
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