With Tefillos for the release of all of our hostages,
the safe return of all of our chayalim, 
a refuah shleimah for all the injured,
a nechama to all the families, and a yeshua for all of Klal Yisrael.
It's a tradition for 8th graders to take "sweatshirt" pictures. They worked collaboratively to design their sweatshirt and proudly wear it for all to see!
6th graders are learning the midda of being happy with their lot using the acronym עשיר as a reminder to appreciate the world around them with their ainiym, shiniym, yadiym, and ragliym.
The 7th graders have been studying Newton's three laws of motion. They rotated through 7 different labs experimenting with tennis balls, marbles, ramps and more.
These young talmidim are immersed in their learning. Second grade boys learn b'chavrusa to practice their reading and translation skills. Soon the boys will be getting their own chumashim to learn from.
Pre-Shabbos ruach was electric thanks to a special concert for the 1st-8th grade boys by Moshe Storch, inspirational Jewish singer and TDSA's Board President's brother.
First graders Invent-a-Pet after reading the story by Vicky Fang. The girls worked collaboratively to build their own pets. Kindergarteners created pets too!
First Graders Field Trip
to the Kollel
The 1st grade boys were treated to a learning session with ASK Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Doniel Pransky. the boys recently received their siddurim and are now beginning their chumash learning. Rabbi Pransky gave them words of chizuk as they begin their journey.

Please let us know of any milestone occasions
to celebrate and share!
Email lmorris@torahday.org. Let's celebrate together!

TDSA Alum Chagai Perez on his engagement to Keren Stephenson
 Tuesday, February 20. 2024  1 Adar I 5784
 In merit of a refuah shleimah for
Miriam Aidel bas Sara Malka (Yaffe) Gordon
& may we see the immediate release of our hostages, the victorious and safe return of our IDF soldiers, and refuahs and yeshuas for all of Klal Yisrael
By Stuie and Rhoda Gleicher
Thurs., February 22, 2024  13 Adar I 5784
In memory of Ida Felker z”l
Chaska Baila bas Reb Eliezer
By Alex and Dara Dinu
Friday, February 23, 2024 14 Adar I 5784
In memory of Michael Kreisberg z”l
By his many friends
 TDSA's Day of Learning Program is an opportunity to dedicate a day, a week,
or a month of Torah learning and davening at school in memory of, in honor of,
or in the merit of the recovery of a loved one.
The dedication is sent out to the school's email list, announced to the students daily,
and printed in the SPOTLIGHT, TDSA's weekly newsletter.
For more information, please contact Marcy Kalnitz at mkalnitz@torahday.org
or 404.982.0800 ext. 101.
Torah Day School of Atlanta | www.torahday.org