In commemoration of learning the phonics rule that U usually follows Q, the kindergarteners participated in a wedding of Q & U! Singing, dancing, and a chupah equals a fun way to learn phonics.
The second graders Chumash presentation showcased the skills the students have acquired this year. They are now able and excited to learn directly from their very own Chumash.
8th graders pose in their newly arrived sweatshirts. The students collaborated to create a design and then to implement it onto a piece of clothing. How exciting for them!
Retired ENT, Dr. Orrin Davis, visited the kindergarteners during davening. He shared with them the connection to Shema to how we use our ears and throat to daven.
Rabbi Nachliel Selevan addressed the middle school students using his broad knowledge in Tanakh, Jewish history, archaeology, and art.
Dressing up like a כלה or wearing a כובע is tons of fun for kindergarten students and when it's connected to the learning of the letter כ, it's a noteworthy learning adventure!

Please let us know of any milestone occasions
to celebrate and share!
Email [email protected]. Let's celebrate together!

TDSA Alum Yehudis Rena (Stein) and Yehuda Rothenberg on the birth of a son
TDSA Alum Tzina (Shenk) and Moshe Fishman on the birth of a son

Tuesday, December 19, 2023  7 Tevet 5784
In memory of
Fred Glusman z”l
Mordechai be Dov Shraga
By Leslie and Chuck Lowenstein
Friday, December 22, 2023  10 Teves 5784
In memory of
Abraham Chaim Topas, z”l
Eugenia Topas, z”l
Shimon Topas, z”l
Meir Topas, z”l
Bella Krakowiak, z”l
& Lela Krakowiak, z”l
Among the countless victims of the Shoah whom
we mourn on Asara B’Tves
By Aaron and Miriam Cann
 TDSA's Day of Learning Program is an opportunity to dedicate a day, a week,
or a month of Torah learning and davening at school in memory of, in honor of,
or in the merit of the recovery of a loved one.
The dedication is sent out to the school's email list, announced to the students daily,
and printed in the SPOTLIGHT, TDSA's weekly newsletter.
For more information, please contact Marcy Kalnitz at [email protected]
or 404.982.0800 ext. 101.
Torah Day School of Atlanta |