With Tefillos for the release of all of our hostages, the safe return of
all of our chayalim, a refuah shleimah for all the injured, a nechama
for all the families, and a yeshua for all of Klal Yisrael.
The first graders are putting in so much effort on creating their very own hagaddahs. They are learning so much about Pesach, the seder, various minhagim, and so much more.
Mazel tov to the second grade boys, their families, and their rebbes, Rabbi Hiller and Rabbi Nunez, on their siyum on Lech Lecha. The boys also received their precious Chumashim at this milestone event.
Third graders are reading the book Third-Grade Detectives #4 by George E. Stanley. After taking turns reading aloud, the class discusses character analysis, theme, and more using teacher-driven questions to help them further their understanding.
In science class, the 8th graders are learning about the integumentary system including the skin. As part of their study, they fingerprinted themselves and then determined which of the three classic fingerprint designs they exhibited.
During their math class, the fifth grade girls worked collaboratively in fluid groups of 2's and 3's. Together, they are working towards mastery of all fraction and decimal operations.
Rabbi Alterman's 7th graders celebrated their siyum on Perek Hakones with a trip to Stone Mountain where they davened, climbed the mountain, learned Torah, and enjoyed a deluxe BBQ.

TDSA Alum Sara Malka (Yaffe) and Rabbi Shalom Tuvia Gordon on the birth of a son
TDSA Alum Devorah (Levitt) and Rabbi Luzzy Tendler on the birth of a daughter
TDSA Alum Shua and Raizy Esral
on the birth of a daughter
TDSA Alum Yaelle Hertzberg
on her engagement to Eliyahu Ben-Zev
TDSA HOS & Parents Rabbi Meir and Daliah Cohen
on the bar mitzvah of their son Yosef Dovid

with your simcha information.

TDSA Parent Channa Silverman on the loss of her father George Kontokanis

    TDSA's Day of Learning Program is an opportunity to dedicate a day, a week,
or a month of Torah learning and davening at school in memory of, in honor of,
or in the merit of the recovery of a loved one.
The dedication is sent out to the school's email list, announced to the students daily,
and printed in the SPOTLIGHT, TDSA's weekly newsletter.
For more information, please contact Marcy Kalnitz
at [email protected] or 404.982.0800 ext. 101.
Torah Day School of Atlanta | www.torahday.org