SPR 2024 Early Career Award Application
Please encourage your early-career colleagues to apply for this award! If you are an early-career researcher, please consider applying. Details are presented below.
This award seeks to recognize individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the field of psychophysiology. Contributions may be in the development of new methods, important findings that advance our understanding of psychophysiological mechanisms or processes, or extensions of previous work into new areas or populations. Noteworthy contributions have the potential to have broad impacts in how psychophysiological research is conducted. Individuals will be evaluated on the basis of their research only. While mentorship, teaching, and service are strongly valued professional activities, they are not considered in the context of this award.
Individuals are eligible for this award if they are (a) a current member of SPR; and (b) received their doctorate on or after January 1, 2016 (i.e., are within 8 years of receiving their degree). However, the 8-year time limit may be extended by up to 2 years for career interruptions, which may include (but are not limited to) parental leave, care responsibilities, illness/medical leave, mandatory military service, or disruptions due to civil conflicts, natural disasters, or pandemics. Interruptions must have occurred in the time since the doctoral degree was conferred. Individuals who were previously considered and did not receive the award may apply again, provided that they remain eligible given the aforementioned time limits.
Materials should be submitted to the chair of the committee by Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
Please include the following materials as one PDF File:
1) a 2-page letter that addresses the significance your work;
2) your curriculum vitae;
3) If an extension of the eligibility period is being requested, this should be indicated.
The selection committee will review the applications and contact semi-finalists for additional supporting materials by January 24, 2024.
Up to two awardees will be selected. Award recipients will receive a plaque and will present their research at the 2024 meeting. Awardees will receive free registration for the meeting. Awardees are also expected to submit a manuscript conveying the presentation topic for publication in Psychophysiology. It is expected that the winners will provide their award paper to the editor of Psychophysiology, shortly before the annual meeting. 
Please send nomination materials to the Chair of the Distinguished Early Career Award Committee via email.
Eddie Harmon-Jones, PhD
The University of New South Wales
Society for Psychophysiological Research | SPRweb.org