SPR Newsletter: Welcoming 2021!
Third Edition: January 2021
In this edition: 
  • Message from SPR President Bruce Bartholow
  • Highlights of first-ever virtual meeting in 2020, including award recipients
  • 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting updates and deadlines
  • SPRweb featured articles
  • Psychophysiology, our flagship journal
  • Getting creative: Advocacy and Data Sharing during COVID-19 and beyond
  • Get active on SPR social media!
A Message from SPR President
Bruce Bartholow

Dear Fellow Member of SPR,

The beginning of this new year feels very different than nearly any in my lifetime, with the possible exception of the year 2000. Thankfully, whereas that new year was anticipated with a fair amount of dread (remember how the banking system was going to collapse because of those zeros?), this new year is filled with hope and the promise of better things to come. The end is in sight for two major calamities that affected virtually the entire world, and with it the prospects for renewed engagement and a return to something like normalcy.  
Unfortunately, that resumption of more normal activities will not happen soon enough to permit SPR to have an in-person conference for SPR 2021, a decision the Board of Directors recently made unanimously (albeit with clear disappointment). But, with your feedback about our 2020 virtual meeting as a guide, and with ample time and sufficient resources to prepare, we are planning a very engaging, more fully formed meeting program for the 2021 virtual meeting. Be on the lookout for the call for abstracts and other relevant communications in the months ahead.  
Not only was 2020 marked by SPR's first-ever virtual annual meeting, it also became the first time in SPR's history that terms for elected positions within the Society were extended. This means that each of SPR's officers and Board members will have served longer in their current posts than any of their predecessors. More importantly, these individuals were asked to take on more and different duties in their elected roles than has historically been the case. I want to take this opportunity to extend my personal thanks to each of them for their dedication to keeping SPR moving forward during this very trying time, and to state my hope that we won't find ourselves in a similar position anytime soon.
I wish each of you a very happy, healthy and productive year in 2021, and I look forward to the day in the not-too-distant future when we can again gather safely in one another's physical presence.

Bruce Bartholow
2020 - 2021 Officers & Board Members
Thanks to our dedicated officers and board members for extending their terms to ensure a smooth transition from in-person to online and (hopefully) back!
Bruce Bartholow - President
Ursula Hess - Past President
Markus Ullsperger - President Elect
Christine Larson - Secretary
Rebecca Levin Silton - Secretary Elect
Erin Hazlett - Treasurer

Editor-in-Chief of Psychophysiology
Monica Fabiani

Board of Directors
Frini Karayanidis
Lisa McTeague
Jason Moser
Elizabeth Page-Gould
Anna Weinberg
Matthias Wieser
Sarah Sass
Cindy Yee-Bradbury
New Resources

Your voices are being heard! The SPR Webinar Committee circulated a survey to assess webinar topics and formats relevant to SPR members. Stay tuned for future webinar events!

Data Connections during COVID-19 and Beyond

Participants can’t come to the lab: What can psychophysiologists do? SPR wants to help match you with colleagues to further your research and assist one another via data sharing and task sharing. Keep an eye out for the Data Sharing page on the SPR website, which will include information about data repositories and a live document for helping members connect.

See also: the below section about SPR’s Advocacy efforts and how you can be involved (even just a little)!
2021 Annual Meeting Update
2020 Annual Meeting Recap
Conference attendees were able to come together via Zoom, not only to hear research talks rich in content and methods, but also to engage in lively discussions. Even the annual business meeting continued on with business as (un)usual!
Bringing humor to a challenging year, Dr. Philip Gable presents the Education and Training Committee report with a deadpan impression emulating John Krasinski's "Some Good News" series.

Meeting highlights included:
A symposium, "How and for Whom: Functional Mechanisms in Cognition and Mood Considering Sex and Identity-related Factors"; in which discussant Dr. Lisa Gatzke-Kopp articulated important nuances when considering gender, ethnicity/race, and other diversity characteristics, while underscoring that statistically controlling for or factoring out variability is like saying (to quote one of her graduate mentors), “Here is what the world would be like if it wasn’t the way it is.”
See also Psychophysiology vol. 53, Issue 1, Special Issue: Diversity & Representation, pp. 1-112, Jan. 2016. This issue from 2016 is all the more relevant as we begin 2021.

Attendees were also able to browse through posters and engage presenters virtually.
Example of a poster presentation showcasing clinical psychophysiology research
Congratulations to All 2020 SPR Award Winners!
Distinguished Contribution Award Winner
It was truly an honor for SPR to be able to bestow this award upon Dr. Gary Berntson, Emeritus Professor, Behavioral Neuroscience at The Ohio State University. Gary’s contributions to autonomic psychophysiology and neuroscience include co-authoring *THE* original Handbook of Psychophysiology, and have continued to evolve. Dr. Karen Quigley presented this award, to thundering applause that could be “heard” via echoes of congratulations in the Zoom chat! 
Early Career
Award Winner

The talk by Dr. Kyle Mathewson (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta) demonstrated the cutting-edge research and thinking that reveal why he was chosen as SPR’s Early Career Award winner. His work not only teaches us how to take psychophysiology out of the laboratory, but also reveals how to re-think what we thought we know.
Anna Weinberg was also a 2020 Early Career Award winner and will give her address at the 2021 Annual Meeting.

  • Iulia Banica (McGill University)
  • Grace Clements (University of Illinois, Urbana‐Champaign)
  • Carolane Desmarteaux (University of Montréal)
  • Leighton Durham (Vanderbilt University)
  • Kaylin Hill (Purdue University)
  • Danielle Kessler (Rice University)
  • Melinh Lai (University of Illinois, Urbana‐Champaign)
  • Leon Lange (University of Osnabrueck)
  • Magen Lowe (Florida State University)
  • Anna Zhou (Pennsylvania State University)

  • Madison Chandler (Michigan State University)
  • Andrew Farkas (University of Georgia)
  • Sara LoTemplio (University of Utah)
  • Emily Perkins (Florida State University)
  • Shai Porat (University of Southern California)
SPRweb Featured Articles
Kudos to our SPRweb Editor, Dr. Jens Foell, and Associate Editors, Alex Faunce, Kaylin Hill, Annika Lutz, and Aislinn Sandre, for producing a growing repository of features and interviews!

Articles showcase the methods and accomplishments of SPR members and collaborators provide useful information for junior researchers, and capture general interest. Recent entries include:

These articles were accompanied by interviews and conversations highlighting SPR members around the globe, both to show their achievements and to foster a sense of community and familiarity within SPR. Interviewees included Hannah Koerten, whose publication in Psychophysiology reached the attention of national news channels, and SPR Award winner Julian Koenig, on the background of his unusually wide-ranging Psychophysiology article.

If you are interested in contributing to the features section of the SPR website, please don't hesitate to send a message to Jens Foell ([email protected])!
Our Journal: Psychophysiology: Making an Impact
The impact factor for our journal (as of 2019) is 3.692. Continue to support this high-quality product by submitting your best work! We also very much appreciate all the SPR members who have been gracious reviewers, including our wonderful associate and consulting editors.

Author and reviewer guidelines for the journal have been updated, and include information about a new registered report format for Psychophysiology.
Two special issues of Psychophysiology have been published:
  • Psychophysiological approaches to understanding the impact of trauma exposure. Psychophysiology. 2020, 57(1).
  • 50+ Years of P300: Where are We Now? Psychophysiology. 2020, 57(7).

We would like to thank the guest editors for their extensive work on these special issues:
  • Brigitte Rockstroh, University of Konstanz;
  • Lisa McTeague, Medical University of South Carolina; and 
  • John Polich, The Scripps Research Institute.
President's Pick Psychophysiology Paper Award

Congratulations to the winner of the President’s Pick Psychophysiology Paper for 2020, Samantha J. Reznik! Read her paper here:

Reznik, SJ, Allen, JJB. Frontal asymmetry as a mediator and moderator of emotion: An updated review. Psychophysiology. 2018; 55: e12965.
Advocacy: Science Needs Your Voice!
SPR is committed not only to conducting science, but also to advocating for science. We can do this in part by simply communicating about all the exciting things we are doing. 

To help with this effort, SPR PR and WISE Committee Member Dr. Aminda O'Hare ([email protected]) is using an innovative approach in her undergraduate Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience class: her students will be creating semester-long science advocacy projects, including a media presentation (e.g., video, podcast) about a topic in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience and its importance to society. We are looking for scientists in our membership who would be willing to be contacted for an interview about their work. Final projects may be featured on the SPR website with both researcher and student consent. Please reach out if you are interested in being included on a list of available scientists for this project!

In a further effort to advocate for fair treatment of all psychophysiologists, on behalf of SPR’s Women in Science and Education (WISE) Committee, Dr. Allison Miller and Dr. Sarah Laszlo have agreed to serve as SPR liaisons for the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM.
FABBS Annual Meeting Features Leaders from NIH and NSF, Discusses Diversity Initiatives

The Federation of Associations of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS) is a coalition of scientific societies -- including SPR -- that share an interest in advancing the sciences of mind, brain, and behavior by communicating the importance and contributions of basic and applied research in these areas to policy makers and the public.

FABBS held its Annual Council of Representatives Meeting last month on December 7, 2020. Meeting virtually, the FABBS Board was joined by member society and corporate affiliate representatives to hear from leadership of behavior and social sciences offices at NIH and NSF, discuss FABBS advocacy priorities for 2021, and diversity initiatives in our sciences, societies, and schools. FABBS President, Roxane Cohen Silver, an eminent researcher in the field, provided opening and closing remarks, as well as insights and context of the consequences of the pandemic and racial trauma in 2020.

Panel 1 featured William “Bill” Riley, Associate Director, Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research, National Institutes of Health, and Arthur “Skip” Lupia, Assistant Director of the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate, National Science Foundation (NSF), who gave an overview of the opportunities and value of behavioral and brain sciences, especially in light of COVID-19. Nora S. Newcombe, FABBS Past-president, chaired the session.

Panel 2 covered key challenges and developments of diversity and equity work on the federal, society, and institutional level. Chaired by FABBS Board Member, Sandra Graham, the speakers were Kellina Craig-Henderson, Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate, NSF; Rachel Puffer, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and Robert Sellers, University of Michigan and 2021 FABBS Board Member.

To view the agenda, slides, and additional materials, click here.

Thanks to SPR member Dr. Frances Gabbay for attending and providing this update! 

For more information about how you can get involved with advocacy, please contact PR Chair, Dr. Nicole Roberts ([email protected]).
Student/Trainee Connection
SPR has a strong commitment to mentorship. Passing along the tricks of the trade in psychophysiology often requires an “apprenticeship” model. Even more, Society members are committed to the scientific and professional development of trainees at all levels.

From student poster awards to grants for psychophysiology-related training experiences, and from early career development panels to social events, SPR offers many opportunities for interaction among members at all stages. It is this continuity -- even with mentoring up through the transition to tenure and ultimately Full Professor -- that is one of the Society’s hallmarks.

Keep an eye out for the next Committee to Promote Student Interests (CPSI) newsletter for events for students and trainees! 
Connect with SPR on Social Media!
Got News? For articles, announcements, and other SPR-related news that you'd like considered in future newsletters, please contact SPR PR Committee Chair, Nicole Roberts. Thank you to Annmarie MacNamara for her work on this edition of the newsletter!

Society for Psychophysiological Research | SPRweb.org