"You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming."
~ Pablo Neruda
March signifies the beginning of spring, as a time for change and renewal. March also marks Women's History Month. Every year, the National Women's History Alliance chooses a different theme for the month. This year's theme is "Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope." According to the Alliance, essentially this is a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during our ongoing pandemic while acknowledging women of all cultures and colors who provide healing and hope throughout history. My own professional life began as a nurse, thus I have a deep reverence for these women. Now, my role as an inspirational writer is to provide hope and healing through my words.
While we will be celebrating women all month (and hopefully all year), special tributes will take place around the world on International Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8th. In honor of Women's History Month, please check out all my writings pertaining to women. My connection to writing women's experiences began with my first book, Your High-Risk Pregnancy, which I first wrote on a typewriter in 1983 while pregnant with my eldest daughter Rachel. A few years later, I self-published that book way before this was even popular. It's surprising to look back, knowing that I sold 10,000 copies from my basement, all through direct mail as there was no internet. Oh my, where did I get the energy? Thankfully, a few years later, I ended up selling the rights to Hunter House Publications. The book is still in print and has since been published in Spanish.
My article in Psychology Today last month, "Do You Have Confessions to Write About?" was about writing your confessions, something women are more apt to engage in. I also write a monthly column for Sixty and Me and last month, to honor Valentine's/Galentine's Day, I wrote an article called, "Are You Still Lustful in Your Sixties?"
So check out my articles and also one of my favorite books, Gift from the Sea, reviewed below.
Happy March and the beginning of Spring! Don't forget that we spring forward on March 13th!
From the PREFACE
This was my first published book written in the 1980s. This book photo is actually the 3rd edition. I wrote the first edition while I was on bedrest for nine months with my first daughter. It was before computers were for general use. The entire book was written on a Smith Corona typewriter which on a table my husband built to fit in my bed over my my expanding belly. There were no other books for the general public on difficult pregnancy. This was the first, and lo and behold it is still in print!
Your High Risk Pregnancy took four years to reach its final form. The book began as a diary of my five months on bedrest, progressed to include definitions, and now, in it's final form, is a guide for and about women who are having trouble conceiving and/or are having difficult pregnancies.
During my high-risk pregnancies, I was eager for information about pregnancy, even though I am a nurse. Friends and colleagues would bring me books about normal pregnancy and I felt as if I never fit into any of the categories described. I was not having a normal pregnancy. That's why I decide to write a book for all those women having high risk pregnancies. It is hoped that if women understand what is happening inside of them, they will have confidence in themselves, and the decisions they make. Many of the women I interviewed for the anecdotes i this book told me that reading the book has taken the mystery out of their projblems. Often, our imagination is much worse than reality.
- Write a letter to a woman who inspires you.
- Write about your relationship with your mother, grandmother or aunt.
- Write about a book written by your favorite female author
- Write about what you love about Spring.
Last month I was interviewed by Candice Georgiadis in Authority Magazine about WOMEN IN WELLNESS.
"Diana Raab on the Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People's Journey Towards Wellbeing"

February 12, 2022
Podcast Interview
"Finding Love and Healing"
March 3, 2022
7 p.m.EST
Zoom Workshop
"Writing Your Memoir: How to Get Started"
Richmond Community
Richmond, MI
Details and registration available here
March 17, 2022
Fit For Joy
Interview with Valeria Teles

(Click article to read)

In honoring March as Women's History Month, I am honored to mention one of my favorite all-time books. Before Anne Morrow Lindbergh's passing in 2001 at the age of 94, I had the honor of meeting her daughter Reeve Lindbergh at a writer's conference. She was a gracious and kind woman, generous with her feelings. It seems as if she inherited this soft wisdom from her mother, Anne.
This slim poetically written book shares Lindbergh's meditations on life, including her views on relationships, youth and aging. As the wife of Charles Lindbergh she was a pioneering aviator. There are so many gems in this book that it's difficult to share just one. As a journaling advocate who inspires others to write their feelings, I particularly enjoyed her opening paragraph: "I began these pages for myself, in order to think out of my own particular pattern of living, my own individual balance of life, work and human relationships. And since I think best with a pencil in my had, I started naturally to write." (p. 3).
There was a time when I gave every women I knew this inspirational book. Consider buying yourself a copy and maybe for your favorite woman. You will have no regrets!
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