Faith. Academics. Citizenship. Community.
St. Philip & St. Augustine Catholic Academy promotes Gospel values, inspires a love of learning, and upholds academic excellence in a nurturing community.

La Academia Católica de San Felipe y San Agustín promueve los valores del Evangelio, inspira un amor por el aprendizaje, y promueve excelencia académica en una comunidad de crianza.

Upcoming Events
Próximos Eventos

3.12.2020 - Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Mass at 8:00 a.m.

3.13.2020 - 1st - 8th grade Mass at 8:00 a.m.
Noon dismissal NO AFTER CARE
Dads' Club Pizza Sale

3.16.2020 - 3.20.2020 - Spring Break; campus closed

3.23.2020 - NO School - Teacher in-service

3.24.2020 - Parent Rosary at 3:00 p.m. in the Church

3.25.2020 - $1 Spirit Day
Confirmation practice at 5:30 p.m. in the Church

3.26.2020 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

3.27.2020 - Noon Dismissal; aftercare provided - please send a lunch

Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

7th & 8th Grade Dance at 6:30 p.m. in the gym

3.28.2020 - 8th grade Confirmation at 10:00 a.m.

Follow this link to the SPSA Master Calendar:
3.12.2020- Misa para PK y Kinder a las 8 a.m.

3.13.2020- Misa para grados 1-8 a las 8 a.m.
Venta de pizza

3.16.2020 - 3.23.2020- Vacaciones de primavera. Escuela cerrada

3.23.2020- No hay clase- profesor en servicio

3.24.2020- Rosario para padres a las 3:00 p.m. en la iglesia

3.25.2020- $1 dia de espiritu
Practica de confirmacion a las 5:30 p.m. en la iglesia

3.26.2020- Conferencias de padres y maestros 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 pm.

3.27.2020- Despido del mediodía; cuidado posterior proporcionado - por favor envíe un almuerzo

Conferencias de padres y maestros 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 pm.

Baile de 7º y 8º grado a las 6:30 p.m. en el gimnasio

3.28.2020- Confirmacion de 8 grado a las 10 a.m

We want the whole family!
¡Queremos a toda la familia!

Please consider enrolling all of your elementary-aged children at SPSA! We want the whole family to be a part of our school community. If finances are prohibiting you from enrolling all of your children, PLEASE reach out to Mrs. Bucio. We are committed to helping you if there is any way possible.

¡Por favor considere inscribir a todos sus hijos de primaria en SPSA! Queremos que toda la familia sea parte de nuestra comunidad escolar. Si las finanzas le impiden inscribir a todos sus hijos, comuníquese con la Sra. Bucio. Estamos comprometidos a ayudarlo si hay alguna manera posible.
Registration Update
Actualización de registro

Attention parents. If you have not already done so, please fill out your re-enrollment application. Effective April 1st you will no longer have the option to pay half. At that point you will have to pay the registration fee in full. For those who have submitted the re-enrollment application with fee from March 9- April 1st, the remaining balance will be due May 1st. Also, if you plan not to return please go in to the application and click,  I do not plan to return . For help please call Mrs. Bucio. 

Atención padres. Si aún no lo ha hecho, complete su solicitud de reinscripción. A partir del 1 de abril, ya no tendrá la opción de pagar la mitad. En ese momento, tendrá que pagar la tarifa de registro en su totalidad. Para aquellos que hayan presentado la solicitud de reinscripción con una tarifa del 9 de marzo al 1 de abril, el saldo restante se deberá pagar el 1 de mayo. Además, si planea no regresar, ingrese a la aplicación y haga clic en No pienso regresar. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Sra. Bucio.
Sign Language Class
Clase de lenguaje de señas

Thank you so much to Ms. Chaparro for coming to our middle school Spanish classes to teach our students about Sign Language!

 ¡Muchas gracias a la Sra. Chaparro por venir a nuestras clases de español de la escuela intermedia para enseñar a nuestros estudiantes sobre el lenguaje de señas!
Financial Aid
Ayuda financiera

Check out our website for more scholarship and financial aid options!

SPSA Catholic Academy Scholarship Program
Deadline is April 1st!

Eligible students may apply for scholarships. Students entering kindergarten through 8 th grade may receive scholarships. The scholarship can be a multiple year scholarship if the student continues to meet the eligibility requirements and reapplies. The maximum assistance is up to 80% of the current tuition. There is a limit of one scholarship per family.

Eligibility Requirements
1.      Demonstrate financial need
a.      Complete the FACTS Grant and Aid application
2.      Be an active, registered St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church parishioner in good standing for at least 3 months prior to applying for scholarship
3.      New students
a.      Meet the school’s entrance requirements
b.      Be accepted and enrolled
4.      Current students
a.      Maintain a “C” average
b.      Maintain 80 or higher in conduct grades
c.       Be current on all financial obligations to the school
d.      Attendance: Student has 3 or less tardies per quarter and no more than 10 unexcused absences each year
5.      Students can receive the scholarship for multiple years but need to reapply each year
6.      The applicant must be of good character and likely to succeed at St. Philip & St. Augustine Catholic Academy

Applicants should:
1.      Complete the SPSA Scholarship Application (found on the school website)
2.      Complete FACTS Grant and Aid application
3.      Obtain a recommendation from the pastor, teacher, or Faith Formation teacher which attests to the applicant’s character and service in the community
4.      Submit complete packet to the SPSA office no later than April 1 st . No late applications will be accepted.  

Re-Enrollment and Financial Aid
Reinscripción y ayuda financiera

Please look at the website for re-enrollment and financial aid information.

Consulte el sitio web para obtener información sobre reinscripción y ayuda financiera.

From the Health Department
Del departamento de salud

Here are some suggestions from the Health Department to keep you and your family healthy:

Members of our school communities can practice and reinforce the following precautionary measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus):

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Stay home if sick with any illness.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Follow the CDC’s recommendations for using a face mask:
  • CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a face mask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
  • Face masks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of face masks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Thank you for your continued dedication to public health.
Beginning March 2, Dallas residents can place requests to check out mobile hotspots at the following locations:

- Skyline Branch
- Pleasant Grove
- Branch Prairie Creek Branch
- Dallas West Branch
- Martin Luther King Branch
- Highland Hills Branch
- Arcadia Park Branch
- Bachman Lake Branch
- Paul Laurence Dunbar Lancaster-Kiest Branch
- Polk Wisdom Branch

The 900 hotspots will be officially available for checkout on March 2. Funding for the WiFi mobile hotspots comes from the City budget that the City Council unanimously approved in September.
Thank you for partnering with us for the Catholic education of your children!
¡Gracias por asociarse con nosotros para la educación católica de sus hijos!

St. Philip & St. Augustine Catholic Academy |
No-Fuss Fundraisers
Recaudadores de fondos sin complicaciones

There are so many ways that we can earn money for our school.

1. Register at  to create an account and a percentage of what you spend will come to the school. Our organization number is 94685. Have your whole family sign up and earn $$$ for our school.

Regístrese en  para crear una cuenta y un porcentaje de lo que gasta vendrá a la escuela. Nuestro número de organización es 94685. Haga que su familia entera se registre y gane $$$ para nuestra escuela.

2. We are now registered in Amazon as a charitable organization, and every time our organization is selected, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products when they shop at AmazonSmile. Click on this link to link our Smile account to your Amazon account.  

Ahora estamos registrados en Amazon como una organización caritativa, y cada vez que nuestra organización sea seleccionada, Amazon donará el 0,5% del precio de compra de productos elegibles cuando compran en AmazonSmile. Haga clic en este enlace para vincular nuestra cuenta de Smile a su cuenta de Amazon.   

3.We are enrolled in the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program under charity number #629. If you print out this form, fill it out and return it to your Tom Thumb, a portion of your purchases will help our school through the Good Neighbor Program!

Estamos inscritos en el programa Tom Thumb Good Neighbor con el número de caridad # 629. Si imprime este formulario, complételo y devuélvalo a su Tom Thumb, ¡una parte de sus compras ayudará a nuestra escuela a través del Programa Good Neighbor!